Reader Comments for The Florida Outpouring With Todd Bentley

These are reader comments for the article 'The Florida Outpouring With Todd Bentley'

Reader Comments

Posted by Godfrey Chika in Peckham, London @ 17:11 on Aug 22 2008

God can not be mocked


Posted by John Douglas in Belfast @ 16:51 on Aug 21 2008

Todd Bentley's now confirmed resignation, applied for separation from his wife plus all of the other admissions by his leadership that he "has sinned" will undoubtedly fuel "the worlds " scepticism about Christianity in general and "Revival" in particular. Surely this now should heavily underscore the need for discernment,the need for weighing up what these or any "so called prophets " have to say and most imperatively the use of the intellectual critical faculties that believers have been equipped with???. The Church should pray that these "so called " revivals will cease and that the Church will get back to basics with solid teaching and not having ears "tickled" and also the cessation of "exalting" those with dubious claims of revelations and visits to Heaven!!!.However one cautionary note should be sounded for those who were sceptical of his "ministry" ,there shouldn't be a "gloating" over what has occurred ,there should be sorrowing because of how this will tarnish not only the Church but the Name of Christ .

Posted by Jonathan Brain in Potters Bar @ 21:10 on Aug 19 2008

Re: Recent announcements regarding developments in Todd Bentley's personal life....

Over the last few weeks Todd Bentley has been on my mind a lot. I have been upset by the mudslingers - who are these guys, by what authority, where is the prayer / intercession?

I have mumbled in prayer from time to time but no revelation about the things which have come to light. I felt that I wanted to see the guy blessed and built up - in the words of Ephesians 1 v 17/8 etc..

Last week it crossed my mind that Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of a Tree was somehow relevant (Daniel 4 vv 13-17). Interesting phrase 'the lowliest of men' v17 - compare reference to humility and forgiveness in Chris Coles article.

Maybe we never hear of him again publicly, but even if we don't I anticipate the fruit of his future ministry exceeding what has gone before (Daniel 4v36).

Posted by Barbara Smyth in Belfast @ 14:31 on Aug 19 2008

Hi Jessica from London .
Thanks for your reply to me and recommendations on 12.7.08. My response is "every major prophetic voice in the USA has confirmed that this is the sovereignty of God". You use the word superficial. This may appear superficial but for so long as we have met as Church, we have listened to "mere words" without the demonstration of the power of God. Barbara

Posted by David in London @ 18:16 on Aug 17 2008

We're recently witnessed numerous people in America making sudden U-turns and saying that Todd and Lakeland were all flakely from the start. I wonder if Chris, Rory, and Wendy will do the same.

Posted by Brian in N.IRELAND @ 02:47 on Aug 17 2008

Rory and Wendy have made a great error in falling for Todd Bentley. Why can't you see it. Seeing the apostle Paul's little home in heaven ???? What next!! The angel Emma !!!

Posted by Revd Terry Duerden in UK @ 11:18 on Aug 16 2008

Do you think it is now time to retract this statement on Todd Bently "Those who love much" How about starting with his wife. An how about the fact that none of the ressurection has been or can be substantiated. The first time I clapped eyes on this guy I had an overwealming feeling that he was abosolutely false

Posted by sandra hickey @ 00:12 on Aug 9 2008

be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove

Posted by tony in shropshire @ 18:40 on Aug 7 2008

where is the medical proof,in the welsh reviva180,000 got saved in 6 to 8 months AND STAYED SAVED where is the salvation message and repentance of sin and convictoin by the holy ghost you can get into heaven in sickness of body but not in sickness of your sin REP ENT NOW or face the second death THE LAKE OF FIRE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED the bible clearly teaches where false phrophets will go read the book of revelation AMEN

Posted by John Douglas in Belfast @ 10:46 on Jul 25 2008

There is a vast difference between being "outside the norm" and some of the totally "abnormal"behavior as displayed by Todd Bentley and his adherents.
Is there any valid Scriptural foundation for much[or any] of the practices shown at these Lakeland meetings??For example "manifestations" ,the well worn routine of repetitive choruses ,chants ,jerking and body movements accompanied by people being "slain in the Spirit" for which there is NO foundation in Scriptures at all,the tattoos which are direct contravention of Scripture,the "Angelic visitations,the "trips" to Heaven .....the list is endless!!!.To repeat my contention in my original posting......where has the Spiritual AND intellectual discernment of the Church evaporated to?????

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