Reader Comments for The Father Heart Of God

These are reader comments for the article 'The Father Heart Of God'

Reader Comments

Posted by Harry in India @ 18:49 on May 3 2015

I had the privilege of working in God TV for over two year's. It was incredible to see how God was working through this ministry touching tens of thousands around the world. I was able to witness how Rory & wendy's and God TV team work sincerely to see the vision of God in reaching unreached with Gospel & anointed programmes through media. Rory was incredibly talented person I have seen, but unfortunate to hear this News. Will pray for Rory's restoration and God to strengthen wendy & her family in this tough times and also God's wisdom & guidance in the ministry for wendy and her team. Amen.

Posted by fufu in UK @ 11:40 on Feb 10 2015

I 'm a God tv angel & this came as a shock to me but christianity is mine not anybody else.just to encourage u Wendy,much as it is so painful for yo hubby to make this decision just b bold & tell yoself that christianity is yours not based on him,keep praying fo him& blieve that God will not give u the burden u cannot carry.As a married woman i know hw it feels & am praying strongly fo u.devil doesnt like unity...but he'a looser,continue do good & God will deal with yo problems..much love.Funyanwa Enock

Posted by mboin in Cameroon @ 14:01 on Feb 2 2015

Wendy, is there any thing impossible with God? only believe for all things are possible for him who believes. Fight for ur husband, the devil has never won any battle; and he has alreay lost this one .JESUS IS ON YOUR SIDE

Posted by Eunice Vershima in United Kingdom @ 11:59 on Jan 19 2015

I wept to God in prayers for the Alec family over this news. It is very easy for one to castigate Rory over his action when one is in denial of the various ways one has constantly chosen the Love of the Father over SELF. There is no small sin as far as the Fathers commandments are concerned neither is any less liable. Until I sharpened my Christian living through GODTV, I took quite a lot for granted. I am more in tuned with my entirety as a child in God's creation and a human who has all the failings in deed and thoughts of a human and that it is the Sure Mercies of God the Father , Son and Holy Spirit that makes the ultimate difference through Grace. As men and women we are constantly like David, under the Bathsheba " initiation ", some succumb and for some of us, we may never fall but we constantly live under it's torment.

Father in heaven, the battle to win back each fallen child is yours. You are a jealous God, you are a loving God. Guide Rory back home to you.

Posted by Tete in Selibe Phikwe @ 20:13 on Jan 18 2015

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting bt a woman who fears the Lord is 2b praised. BIG UP! Woman of God, a woman is not a woman because of man nor kids, but because she fears the Lord. Thts what makes u a woman. Thanx 4 keeping God tv up and running and for being a God fearing faithful and loyal servant of God. Everything tht happened, just leave it 4 God, He wil answer u according 2 His will. I love Rory, I love u, remember God knew ths b4 it happened, if He allowed it, it wasnt meant 2 break u, but 2 mend u, everything happens 4 a reason. And tht reason is 4 Him 2 glorify Himself in tht situation. Whether Rory wil cum bac or not, let His will be done. Your test will turn into a testimony and your mess into a message. U nid 2 pass the test woman of God, sooner or later it wil be done. I pray 4u n yo lovely husband n kids, 4 the will of God 2b established in yo lives. Amen!

Posted by Juneeta in Australia @ 13:36 on Jan 8 2015

I understand Wendy's grief and sense of abandonment. Praying that God will turn her mourning into dancing; her sorrow into joy; that he will be glorified through this situation. What the devil meant for harm & destruction, God will turn into good. God bless Wendy and family.

Posted by Tim in London @ 07:46 on Jan 3 2015

I did not see this coming, but I did see that their earlier marital years were difficult and that Rory was barely holding it together. I was blessed watching Wendy mature over the years, resulting in less public tension.
I was hoping and praying that time would season their marriage, and wisdom will keep them. Please Wendy, just forgive our brother....I see him repenting and coming back home, this will come to pass, in Jesus name......will you let him in Wendy.
God bless and Strengthen you... Amen

Posted by Paul Haynes in United Kingdom @ 18:27 on Dec 23 2014

Very encouraging word Chris! Always like listening to you ever since I became a Christian in 1987! This message is for all of us, but I hope Rory reads it too.

Posted by Yvette in Denmark @ 11:22 on Dec 14 2014

God is able to do abundantly more than all we ask or Can imagine. He promised if we are faithful he Will save not only us but Also our households. Trust in Him Wendy for he is able!!!!!!

Posted by Roma in Australia @ 14:45 on Dec 9 2014

God gave every person a free will. Yes we can pray about this marriage till we are blue in the face, but if Rory does not want to go back, all the prayers in the world wont help.
God will not force his will on Rory and make him go back to Wendy, so I wish everybody would realise this and stop wishing!!

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