Seven of the 10,000 throng gathered at Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire remember some of their experiences

Friday, 2nd June
Rob Thompson, accountant 10:23am
I'm standing at the Cross
Rhythms stand in the huge Bazaar tent telling people about the
forthcoming launch of xRhythms. I'm excited to be here and so are the
people I talk to. Despite the overcast/drizzly weather, despite the
lowish opening attendance (maybe 3,000 hardy campers are here at the
off at this most picturesque of sites), the sense of expectation is
Tony Cummings, music editor 2.05pm
I'm enjoying my cheese
burger as I sit on a bench facing the Illuminate Stage, listening to
the NXGN Choir ripping through some full-on gospel numbers. They're
pretty good until a switch of lead singers brings to the fore a lady
whose pitching is decidedly suspect.
Alexander Bushe, student 3:05pm
I'm walking around the Bazaar
amazed by how many Christian organizations there are here. I look at
the Oak Hall stand, a Christian expedition company; I look at the
stand for Jews For Jesus, an evangelistic organization; I chuckle at
an amusing T-shirt available on the Sorted magazine stand; I speak to
the man on the Christians For Israel stand about his intriguing trips
around Israel and then queue for coffee in the Tearfund-run coffee
Rob Thompson 3:51pm
Faith Child is in full flow on the
Illuminate Stage. His most effective flow is when he delivers a rap
with no accompanying track. His testimony/preach connects.
Tony Cummings 4.03pm
I've been sitting on the damp grass with a
couple of friends from my church listening to Michelle Williams. But
now I'm dancing as are most of the throng as we sing that repeated
line "When Jesus say yes, nobody can say no!" You could label the
groove booming from the Main Stage stacks "Afro-flavoured R&B
gospel". But who cares about labels at a time like this? This is music
for a Holy Ghost party.
Maxine Cummings, editorial manager 4:45pm
I'm waiting for my
husband to finish his interview with Drakeford. It's raining but
before it gets too heavy I listen to Jonathan David & Melissa
Helser singing songs from their 'Beautiful Surrender' album. They
sound pretty good.

Maxine Cummings 6:25pm
I catch just a bit of
Switchfoot's set but I'm impressed. Clearly a world class rock band at
the top of their game, Jon Foreman has never sounded better and their
song "Life Is Short" impacts me. The crowd is growing as I watch.
Alexander Bushe 8:01pm
I'm ravenous, so a visit to the fish and
chip stall next to the burrito bar and the Jamaican food stall is in
order. I sit munching my cod and chips.
Alexander Bushe 9:00pm
I stand watching Bethel Music in the
drizzle. It is getting dark, though I can see a lot of people in the
crowd in front of me raising their hands to worship God. Although I am
near the back of the crowd the sound is crystal clear and I have an
excellent view of the stage and the big screen. To my left I spot
Jonathan & Melissa Helser in a small tent. They are watching their
friends at Bethel Music. Not just watching, but clearly worshipping as
Tony Cummings 9:15pm
I'm finding it hard to worship. I'm a bit
far back from the stage and I'm tired. But bit by bit Bethel Music's
Jeremy Riddle and then Amanda Cook help me, and thousands more, lift
our eyes off festivals and fun and towards the lover of our souls. And
as Amanda sits at the piano and, after mentioning the recent
Manchester terrorist attack, launches into "You Make Me Brave". I feel
God's empowering presence once more.
Saturday 3rd June
Rob Thompson 12:38pm
I stop to watch a bit of Matt Maher. His
song "Your Grace Is Enough" and others are worship classics but I'd
never realised what a great piano player he is. The jazz licks he
delivers are wonderful.

Marian Thompson, mother 1:53pm
I'm sat watching Stuart
Townend on the open air stage by the Tearfund Tea Tent. I'm 78 years
old and I've come to Big Church Day Out with my son on a mission to
cheer myself up. Stuart has a lovely voice. It's clear and melodic and
you can hear the message clearly. I particularly enjoy the rendition
of "Promise Of The Ages". Stuart tells a funny story. When he arrived
at one church, a couple of people heard his name and their jaws almost
dropped to the ground. They were astonished that he's still alive.
Most composers of hymns sung in their church have been dead for 200