Mike Rimmer spoke to Lincoln-based worship leader GRAEME CLARK.

Mike: Give us a bit of background about yourself:
Graeme: I've been worship leading for about six years. I've grown up in a church where I have been given lots of opportunities to lead worship in small congregations through to larger meetings. It's New Life Christian Fellowship in Lincoln. It's a church of six or seven hundred people where you have congregations in the surrounding areas of around 20 to 100 people. So I've been going out leading worship in some of the smaller churches as well as the big congregation.
Mike: Apart from Jesus, who is the biggest influence on your life?
Graeme: Probably my dad! Musically it's people like Chris Bowater, Johnny Markin and Martin Smith.
Mike: What other worship leaders will people like if they like your stuff?
Graeme: I think anyone who likes anything by Delirious? or the Soul Survivor stuff that's coming out at the minute. People will put me in the same category.
Mike: What were you trying to achieve in recording the album?
Graeme: I just wanted to get some of the songs that I've been writing in the last few years out there. These are songs that reflect my heart for worship and to encourage God's people to worship.
Mike: What's the most significant song on the album?
Graeme: "Fall Down On Me" because it's a heart cry of worship rising up from the Church. We want to worship and meet with him. We want his presence and for his anointing to fall on us and flow through us as we worship.
Mike: How would you describe your own ministry?
Graeme: It's prophetic and I am a leader of God's people in worship.
I want to see God's people enter a new dimension in their worship.