Reunited One Final Time

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Monday 2nd October 2006

The Clark Sisters record new live album in Houston

AFTER a 12 year break the legendary Clark Sisters have recorded together as a group for the final time. Twinkie (Elbernita) Clark, Dorinda Clark-Cole, Jackie Clark Chisolm and Karen Clark Sheard recorded live in Houston, Texas. Karen Clark Sheard said about the project, to be released by EMI Gospel, "I don't want it to sound funny, but I think that at the age that we're at now, we're not getting any younger. So we all decided that this is a good time for us. All of us also have solo albums out and of course, we thought it was a good time to support each other. It's like in the old days." CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by the wil fam in some were in mi. @ 04:58 on Dec 20 2007

i love the sisters so much well we love them but it's a get together it's a reuion when denise is back with them these girls are so badd ,karen clark sheard is are fav,of all times

Posted by shawn allen in washington dc @ 07:40 on Sep 19 2007

My man Ivan says that he is the Clark Sisters biggest fan, I believe that I have you beat brother. I am so estatic to be in the land of the living amongest great people of GOD, I am over thirty and I can remember listening to these women when I was like 7. I am so delighted what GOD is doig in these women of destiny lives. I must comment on one issue I have though, I would have loved to see Dr. Denise Clark-Bradford on this album! I believe it would have just set it off. I hope that she can make guest appearances at concerts here in the future. Or maybe be a guest on one of the upcoming projects by one of the sisters.

Posted by andre in kingston @ 00:39 on Jul 31 2007

iabsolutleyLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the clark sisters they have a melody that no one can be combared to,each have their own unique sound and singimg solo,they are amazing but when they come together they are most cirtainlya force not to be recconed with. i first became interestd in them when i was channel surfing and i stumbbled on karen singins "BALM IN GILEAD" and the channel that was playing itwas a recuring one and it wld play the same song every three hrs. and everytime karens song came on i wld not miss it unless im at church of corse. i was so interested that i googled her and only to find out that there were three more 0f them, oh and did i mention that i was only 12nd now im 18. there arnt enuff wrds to express how much i love them, i mean when they sing u can feelthe presence of God and u knoww that they are singing frm their hearts and frm their souls. Girls keep doing ur thang inthe lord. LUV U MUCH......... MWAH!!!!!!!!

Posted by torrie in muskegon mi @ 17:16 on Jul 21 2007

I think that it was a great deal for them to get back on track cause they are the best out of the best and the make music the right way... The clark sisters made history and are still on track... Keep the great work up and may god keep you all through music and through ur soul... God bless you clark sisters...

Posted by Ivan in SC @ 04:30 on Mar 29 2007

As the Clark Sisters biggest FAN, i have been waiting since 1994 for this album...but look at God! 2007 is the year of completion and after more than 35 years the Clark Sisters will release their "final" album. The count down is on.... I CANT WAIT! GOD BLESS

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