Jahaziel, 29th Chapter, Judah to contribute to major London initiative
THE SOULINTHECITY London initiative is mobilising over 2,000 Christian young people in 40 projects to serve local communities across Greater London from 29th July to 5th August. The initiative is supported by the Police Commissioner, Archbishop of Canterbury and leaders of all the political parties including Prime Minister Tony Blair, who said, "Soulinthecity London 2006 stands as an excellent example of the part that people of faith can play in the regeneration and transformation of local communities." Spokesperson Patrick Regan commented, "Soulinthecity London began in 2004 and is building year upon year resourcing London's churches in making a transforming difference in their local communities.
Soulinthecity London will be launched at Kingsway International
Christian Centre, Hackney on Saturday 29th July in partnership with
Nicky Cruz community safety initiative. Carling Academy Brixton will
be the venue for the finale of Soulinthecity London on Saturday 5th
August and will feature top urban artists such as Jahaziel, 29th
Chapter, Judah and Secret. For more information visit