Old hymn inspires human trafficking song for Sara Groves

SINGER/songwriter Sara
Groves has released a three-song project, 'To The Dawn:
Reimagined'. The title track sprang from Sara's work with
International Justice Mission, which advocates for victims of human
trafficking. Said Sara, "I have felt compelled for several years to
write songs for and about the work of International Justice Mission. I
often picture these friends in my mind as I go through my day, and
wonder what kind of encouragement they might need. They regularly
choose to enter dark places where violence and fear are the norm. They
are mothers and fathers themselves who are committed to seeing
individuals and families experience flourishing. They are motivated by
their faith to participate in the long processes that will transform
judicial systems and bring protection for the poor. So, when I was
asked to find a song about 'light' for an IJM event, it was a
challenge! Many of the songs I found were happy-clappy songs that
didn't seem to fit the gravity of darkness, the genuine necessity of
light. . . until, I found the hymn 'There's A Light Upon The
Mountains'. The original lyric is worth looking up, but the line that
caught me was at the end of the second verse, the hearts of men are
stirring. Green, envy, terror, violence, meanness - it gets dark, but
our hearts are stirred, to the dawn."