Kerron Ennis - God Is By Our Side

Published Wednesday 12th March 2008
Kerron Ennis - God Is By Our Side
Kerron Ennis - God Is By Our Side

RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 41739-13385
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Ian Hayter

Kerron is a firm favourite in her native Jamaica and has been involved in a number of gospel and worship events. This album showcases her powerful voice in collaboration with Clifton "Johnny" Clarke and a selection of other vocalists, including DJ Nicholas, Lt Stitchie and Prophet Michael Cowan. With the exception of "Daddy Oh" all tracks have been written and arranged by Margaret and Clifton Clarke and the background arrangements are both lush and powerful, with some excellent guitar and bass work on "Yeah" courtesy of Oral Thorpe. It's all very good, uplifting stuff, but I have to say that there is nothing on the album that really sets it apart from many, many others. From time to time Ms Ennis sounds as if her voice is under a bit of strain, but she manages to carry it all off in the end. The lyrics are full of emotion and will no doubt touch many hearts - "God Is By Our Side" begins, "Why worry, why be dismayed/As if God has gone away. . ./You're the victor when God is by your side." All in all, a competent album, but I sense there is much more and much better to come.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Kethie in United States @ 16:52 on Jun 2 2011

where can I find the album

Posted by Racine Brown in Mt Salem @ 18:37 on Apr 18 2008

i have always listen ur music and trust me i has been a blessing in my soul from ever since. i attend the faith temple assembly of god in jamaica and am on the youth choir where i sing most times i do soloist songs and trust worshipping God is what i choose to do for the rest of my life. my best song is I need ur touch.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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