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Article Title: Secular Albums - Christian Reviewers 3
Author of reported comment: George Luke
Comment Date: 17:41 on May 11 2009
Comment: Well, I’m one of the people who contributed to this article – and despite what Jono thinks, I certainly don’t believe that I “wasted my time” writing it. The simple fact is, I review lots of music – both ‘Christian’ and ‘secular’ (I have a BIG problem with those labels – and not just because one of the so-called ‘secular’ albums I reviewed was recorded by a devout Hasidic Jew!). I appreciate good music, period. If it’s Christian, that’s a plus, but if an artist is saying something worthwhile, I’m not going to reject it because he’s “secular”. For example, one of the artists I reviewed (Bezerra da Silva) spent much of his life singing about social justice - something that Christian artists have only really embraced in recent years. Also, I believe that as a Christian who works in the media, it is part of my calling to critique popular culture from time to time. This article provided me with a platform to do that, and I look forward to doing it again. Thank God for people like Oscar who actually ‘get’ what we do. A guy could die of discouragement doing this thankless job otherwise…
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