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Article Title: Sexism & Hilary Clinton's Reaction To A Congolese Student
Author of reported comment: Neil Fix
Comment Date: 12:30 on Aug 19 2009
Comment: hello there, interesting article. I was thinking about 'isms' in the church recently-agism, sexism, racism, and wondering truly how much progress we have really made. Certainly sexism is less than it used to be, but this makes it clear it is still around. There are nowhere near as many non-white leaders recognised internationally. It seems the only 'ism' we are doing much about is agism, which does appear to be almost gone. It reminds me of an interesting article in my local paper talking about a vicar who was a punk, and most of the comments seemed more interested in the fact that she was a woman. The paper didn't even notice that this could be an issue.
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