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Article Title: Randy Stonehill: The Jesus music veteran on the Fallen Angel movie and his latest music
Author of reported comment: BillyBruce
Comment Date: 14:24 on Feb 9 2010
Comment: Congratulations to Randy Stonehill for pressing ahead with this important work. I had the honor of interviewing Larry for an update on his health situation wile working as news editor for Charisma Maazine... I treasure that 90 minutes I was able to spend o nthe phone with Larry... And I must say, had I known about this "love child" matter, I would certainly have been asking Larry about it. Although I would have been disturbed if he refused to respond to the query, I also understand God's grace enough to realize that Larry simply, as a flawed human being, may not have been able to mentally cope with the situation. I don't believe Larry was mentally stable, to be honest, bhut hey--I have had my days as well? That doesn't get us off the hook with God--but it doesn't condemn us to hell either, for God's grace and the blood of Christ is sufficient--for Larry, for me, for Randy, for you... So no, I do not believe Randy is trying to make a buck off a dead man--what a horrible statement? I believe the grace of Christ abounds in truth... and it is importnat for us to understand the true human nature of a man who was used very powerfully by the Lord to spread the Gospel in a dying world, in a way that penetrated culture and impacted millions of lives for the cause of Christ... We should welcome the honesty of the filmmakers here, who abide in integrity to share the good and the bad about someone we all loved and admired for just being well, crazy Larry--brilliantly talented but flawed like the rest of us. And it does pose questions for each of us to consider about our own lives and how we deal with our own sin. Thank God for Jesus -- and thank you guys for this film. May Larry rest in peace in the heaven he sang about and the one I believe he is in at this moment--because God's grace and Christ's blood is sufficient.
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