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Article Title: People!: Drummer and songwriter Denny Fridkin recounts his life in music
Author of reported comment: Gae Lawree Stimmel
Comment Date: 16:26 on Dec 22 2018
Comment: Hi Denny, Great interview! I knew the People in 1965 when they came to Redding, CA to play at Sloopys Teen Club. My mom knew the club owner, & I went there every weekend. They boys were staying at a cheap motel & were on a tight budget. We invited the band to stay at our home & so did my friend Valerie Charles. So Larry, Gene & at the time Johnny stayed at my home & the others stayed with Valerie. Then when you joined the band you stayed at my home. That happened several times for a couple of years. I got very close with Larry especially & stayed in touch with him until a few years before his passing. I married in 1997 & my husband was very jealous of Larry, even though our relationship was like brother & sister, & he demanded I give up my relationship with Larry, which I regret. I saw you at the horrible Fallen Angel event. I talked to you briefly. You guys, Larry, Gene, you especially & the group People were very important to me. One time People came to Redding after Larry & Gene left the band & I had moved to Reno. I came to visit & People were playing at Shasta College. My best friend Kathy Whitaker & I followed you to Medford, OR, & Eureka & we had a blast with you. That was the last time I saw you are People. I wonder if you remember me. I am also a believer & always was from childhood which was the connection Larry & I had. I knew you would be a believer one day back then. So happy you were called & followed the Lord.
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