Reader Comments for More Hillsong Criticism

These are reader comments for the article 'More Hillsong Criticism'

Reader Comments

Posted by Nick in Sydney @ 03:34 on Oct 1 2009

True Christianity is becoming Christlike, Jesus never put on a show to attract crowds.

Jesus said very clearly, if you want to follow me, deny yourself and follow me, in fact the Bible clearly states, that Jesus turned to a large crowd of followers and said "unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you cannot be my followers"

The crowds replied, "this is a hard teacheing to accept" and many of them most then left him, up until then he had large crowds, now all he had left were the disciples whom he asked "what about you, are you leaving too?"

he had just fed the masses with food, but told them straight after they need to be a part of him, not to focus on worldy things, but on spiritual

true Christianity does not draw crowds, sorry, it tends to do the opposite

when you do your good works, do it in secret,

For those reading this, I will not say Hillsong is good or bad, what I will say if you care about your relationship with the Creator of the Universe, you need to get to know Him, we all do ....

To the Hillsongites, do yuo know
"The Nicene Creed"?

Why you ask? This is the fundamentals of Christianity, no book in the Biible made it into the bible unless it agreed with all points of the Creed? Did you know that? Most pentecostals don't even know the Creed. Orthodox and cathlics say it at every service. Its not in the bible, it was what was used as a guide to see if something could even be accepted as a book in the bible.

One of the greatest and simplest books that shows how to get to know God (not his gifts)

"The practice of the presence of God" by brother lawrence.

get it, read it, over and over, its small, just a few pages, nothing in their about making money, tithing, worldly blessing, just genuine humble christianity....

Posted by Andrew in Canberra @ 04:15 on Sep 3 2009

I am a Catholic Christian (I know to some that is not possible - if you are one, that's your problem). I have attended a Hillsong Christmas service and wow, what a show. While clapping infectiously along, I observed one young fellow who was doubled over, delerious with the amazing music and light show. But I cant help but draw a comparison with a U2 concert, of all things, that I attended later the following year. Around the middle of the show, the International Declaration of Human Rights was presented on a large screen followed by the songs Pride: In the Name of Love, Where the Streets Have No Name, then One. It absolutely floored the 80,000 people present and it dawned on me towards the end of that set that I was trembling and had tears rolling down my cheeks, such was the power of the message. I thought of the delerious lad at Hillsong and I knew I was there. I remember Bono being interviewed by Andrew Denton before the concert saying sometimes at their concerts the Heavens open up and I hoped that would happen when I attended. I was not dissapointed. In a way it was discrete envagelism. The concert left an indelible imprint on the 80,000 present (240,000 over three nights) that we need to be better to each other, a very Biblical message. So where am I going with this? I have no doubt that God was present at both Hillsong and a U2 concert. But, in the spirit of ecumenism, I know for a fact He has been present in 'calmer' more traditional environs such as certain Cahtolic services I have attended, and I am sure Anglican and so on. God is everywhere in our largely man made churches where we all get a little bit wrong somewhere, but mostly right elsewhere. So knock yourselves out Hillsong, bop 'til you drop (not so sure on the kids bubble machine by the way...), but I know that God's presence in my life can continue in my peaceful and soulful spiritual home. Regards to all.

Posted by Michael in Manchester @ 10:55 on Aug 18 2009

There will always be criticism when people do a comparison between something that they know to be safe/what they are used to and something that seems 'big' and 'extreme' to them.

I'm guessing in this case, the criticism has come from people in small sized churches that do not typically tend to grow.

Although I try and look on the positives, I do feel that these kind of comments tend to come from people who wish that their church was the same as who they are criticising. It is this, that needs to be addressed.

Because of this reason, I look at articles like this and smile. It's good to break tradition and old ways sometimes and 'tear down the walls'.

Posted by Nick Sellons in London @ 13:46 on Jul 15 2009

I'm not sure why some Christians think that the more bad you feel about yourself the more godly you are and conversly the more good other people feel about themselves the more wordly they are. Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ; Yes regretably we still sin but focusing on what we are in the natural instead of what Christ has done in us is actually the very oppsosite of godliness - it is self centered wordliness that breeds a sense of condemnation and apathy, not to mention comments like those from the post because we assume anyone who is positive about themselves is either in denial or selfish. Read a very interesting book recently called The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by Martyn Shenstone. In it he explains that the more we look at our ourselves and try and focus on what's right and wrong the more we drift away from God and become like a Pharisee. I don't think I have ever read anything like this before but it really strikes a cord in me and I think it would help people to stop misunderstanding those who try and focus gratefully on what God has done for them instead of on their shortcomings - and - Hillsong is showy? Really? - those Anglican Bishops have more bling than a Gangsta Rapper!...

Reply by Asha in Sydney @ 00:31 on Apr 29 2012

amen. It also leads to constant judging and condemnation of others. I am not pro hill song but I'm anti this negativity.

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Posted by Vimabi in London @ 13:42 on May 30 2009

Comments like these make you realsie why christians are a minority instead of the majority . We spend time condemming and critising each other rather than focusing on Gods commision which is to save the lost and the hurting , leading more people to the cross . For none christians who might read these comments, would they want to be apart of a group of people who are no different from the world . I do think so

Reply by Ryan Moss @ 10:44 on Oct 13 2010

Its all about meeeee ......jeeeesus, its not about yooooou, you should do things my way....

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Posted by Christian in Just outside Sydney, Australia @ 15:22 on May 14 2009

Hillsong have a healing meeting on thursdays. Has anyone been to it and what has their experience been like?

Reply by sam in sydney @ 12:46 on Aug 9 2009

... the next healing meeting at Hillsong is on August 27th. You can phone 02 88535353 for more information on times.

Otherwise, Glenorie Community Church has regular healing meetings. i hear wonderful God inspired things are happening there...

are you OK?

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Posted by Nikki in South of England UK @ 20:08 on May 3 2009

Wow. How sad that Christians condemn one another like this. I've never seen such awful words about which one of us thinks they've got God sussed! Lets stop this. What about seeking out the bolder in our own eyes, before condeming others? Hillsong Colour Conference - you rocked my world, God, i love you & am always astounded at your amazing grace. I've never seen a site as heartbreaking as this. I wonder what our precious Jesus would think... x

Posted by ingrid in london @ 13:03 on May 2 2009

i read this article and the comments posted about a week ago. since then ive been to the Colour your world 2009 conference the last 2 days.
from being there I can only say that obviously the writer has never been to a conference. it was al about God, in all His greatness and majesty. yes the invitation is inspiring, but the conference is definitely not a feel good seminar, but more about realising your value so that you could go out and reach the lost of this world for God. woman are often devalued in the world and in the Church and in that way never have the confidence to step out into the dark places of our worlds to bring God light there.
I walked away from this conference, challenged to do Gods will on this earth, to take responsibility for the lives of my neighbours, co-workers and family, because this is God commision to His people. NOT feeling great about how wonderful i am and it stops there.
No sir this conference is all about God. it is even said from the pulpit more than once, that this conference is not about us just feeling beter about ourselves, but that with that comes the responsiblity for the lives around us.

My suggestion is that maybe next time somebody ask you about Hillsong, you tell them you dont know enough to answer them. because you dont!

Posted by Pat McGovern in Missouri United States @ 02:49 on Mar 27 2009

Igo to James River Assembly. Hillsong came to James River for a womans conference two years ago and is coming again this year If we did not believe in what Hillsong preached do you think, we would be that stupid enough to invite them back?Quit bad mouthing differnt churchs.

Posted by Jayne in Sydney @ 01:33 on Mar 21 2009

I am a woman in Sydney who regularly attends Sisterhood at the Hills I dont often get to a "regular" service as weekends are when I work.
I have to say that I WILL pray for each and every one that has posted a reply here, I really hope you can get right with God.
Why does it matter so much how others recieve the word of God, so long as they recieve it? Flashy lights, Conferences, evangelism, or no AC in a dark room! God is EVERYWHERE and it takes all types of "churches" to get the word out as we are all types of people! Go with what works for you as your faith is YOURS.
You may not be comfortable or agree with what others do, But its not our place to judge.
Just remember that you will only need to answer to God for YOUR life best worry about that.

Reply by Drew in Sydney @ 00:51 on Mar 17 2010

I believe the "how" is very important. If we receive Christ under the pretense of better life or even when we say He died for us but leave it there (and don't mention we're sinners, or how we owe our lives to God, we should be growing in holiness, we should be fruit bearers, evangelists and so on) that is a problem.

Also the how can mean we are responding to the experience we're having at that moment, rather than to what God is doing in our heart. Emotions can be a good thing but in this case it is so often leading us to false conversions. Read men like Tozer, Paris Reidhead, Ravenhill, Ray Comfort and see what I mean.

To those saying we need to love - totally agree BUT it's not a blanket to hide behind and just accept everything bad that goes on. If there is a problem it must be addressed. Do Hillsong do good - you bet. Do they preach things contrary to Christ - well depends on your definition but the more I read the Word the more I think they do. Pray for them, love them but do not chastise others for being daring enough to call error into question.

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