Reader Comments for Kevin Max: The Imposter?

These are reader comments for the article 'Kevin Max: The Imposter?'

Reader Comments

Posted by jd in Pennsylvania, USA @ 05:13 on Oct 10 2009

The divorce thing is still a hard block to get around for most people, but kmax's attitude is extremely positive. Since this interview, he's released several more records, has had another child, and is writing on angelic warfare. A very intriguing individual, and has become probably my favorite music to listen to.

and I wish I got the burberry hat...

Posted by Tom C in San Diego, CA @ 21:29 on Aug 29 2009

I thought the makeout session on the dance floor at the bar was very telling, perhaps more so than the divorce. Impetuous, sensual, immature, bad witness.

Posted by Todd Daniels in North Carolina @ 17:10 on Aug 12 2009

This is what I admire about Kevin is his honesty. Christianity needs this. There is nothing wrong with confessing our struggles, the Bible is full of them. There was hardly no one in the Bible who didn't screw up after God used them in some mighty way. This shows the struggle of humanity and its relation ship with a holy and rightious God. I love Kevin Max's creativity, a gift that has been given to him by our Lord. Peace my brother!

Posted by Dia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania @ 23:58 on Jun 17 2009

Thank you so much for this article! I know it's older information, but I never knew so much about Kevin Max!

Posted by Nez in Arizona @ 21:46 on Jun 15 2009

You know, I can't say I'm the hugest fan of his solo work but loved his part in DC Talk. Somehow, he's always struck me as an 'interesting' and sort of 'complex' person. I think this story grasped some of that but in a very real way. I loved how open and real but still very much himself he was. Great job presenting him to us in a more intimate yet 'average/normal' way. Loved the article, awesome job!

Posted by Me in Jamaica @ 11:12 on Mar 18 2009

Congrats Mike. Good article.

Posted by Bec Kharsyiemiong in India @ 09:37 on Jan 17 2009

Well I like the interview; its open, clear.....but about the divorce issue -its really a tough one.Myself I have my own weakness...but one thing I can say If we really turn to God without any hypocrisy I know he will acept us again. I still listen to Kevin's Max songs....well 'PEOPLE GET RESDY". I still like Kevin we all did.

Posted by Big Daddy in Ann Arbor @ 16:27 on Jun 28 2008

I disagree. I think it's HATEFUL to chastise Christians for being so strict on divorce.

It's despicable that so many Christians bad mouth believers for taking a stand.

They CLEARLY are confusing compassion with commitment.

There is no covenant that is most closely aligned to the Covenant between Man and God than that between Man and Women.

When Christians, who have the Holy Spirit have a higher divorce rate than religious Jewish people, you know that's a problem.

Jewish people,(largely there are, of course exceptions) UNDERSTAND covenant.

We should CONDEMN divorce unless it's for adultery.

And, then we should CONDEMN the adultery that led to the divorce EVEN more.

The reason we have so little LEGITIMATE voice against gay marriage is because of the MOCKERY we've allowed Heterosexual marriage to become.

It's a fine line. I understand. I don't want to go back to the old days where a divorced person was anathema in the church.

But, we've flipped over too far the other way. WAY too far...

Big Daddy

Reply by David in Dundee @ 21:19 on Aug 31 2009

but it is not the place of the church to condemn.
We are called to take a Christian brother or sister aside, and in love, try to correct his/her behaviour.

The church is called to be Christ in a dark world, and we cannot do that if we are publicly attacking each other over people's behaviour.

The difficulty is, in order to do what scripture commands, we have to know the person.
As committed Christians, we should be praying for ALL our brothers and sisters, that they would
1) not fall, and
2) that when they do stumble, that God would have people in place to help them regain their walk with the LORD.

I am glad that Kevin seems to be aware of his dependence on God's Grace.
I believe that we all are, and that we should try to be mindful of that.


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Reply by nick in deep south @ 15:06 on Aug 20 2008

I agree with God and in this case, you, sir. Do we really think we won't reap what we sow? The apostle Paul warns us about abusing the Lord's grace...

[report abuse]

Posted by Adam in Michigan @ 21:33 on Feb 27 2008

I appreciated the candor of the interview. I must admit that I am saddened about the divorce and scandalized by the unofficial "marriage" vows. While I do not believe that divorce is the unpardonable sin it is disturbing that so many of us are not experiencing God's grace to overcome "incompatibility" issues within marriage. If, in God's Kingdom, the "lion will lay down with the lamb" (see Isaiah 11:6-9; this saying is a paraphrase) then we too should be experiencing heaven on earth. 2nd Chapter of Acts had a disturbing question which we need to hear, "Is it easier to forgive sin or to open up my blind eyes?"

Posted by Wendy in Seattle @ 09:58 on Jul 23 2007

I am deeply saddened by the way that Kevin's divorce was treated by the Christian community. It was a far cry away from how the Lord would want us to respond to those who are wounded and struggling! We need to wake up, Born-again Believers! And embrace those who are wounded in the Body and build them up, rather than tear them down! How awesome is God, to restore Kevin and bless him with Amanda and 2 beautiful children! Our Jehova Rapha, is our healer, and a God of second chances. My prayer is that Kevin will hang on to the hope that is available to him, as a Believer in Jesus Christ...this hope being a life-changing force. It rejoices in the ultimate victory through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:35-39). It furnishes a final expectation of good (Philippians 1:6). We Believers in Jesus Christ can be rest assured that everything that comes into our life is part of God's wonderful plan for good. The ultimate purpoes of life is not comfort and success (as secularly defined). It is our transformation into the likeness of Jesus Christ and the Father's glorification. God will have His way. He will be glorified. Believers in Jesus Christ can be assured that their trials will not be in vain. He has promised to be with us, hold our hand and comfort us. God promised His ultimate victory. And the battle has been won through the Blood of Jesus Christ!

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