JENNY LEGG and DAVID LYLE MORRIS took turns at answering Tony Cummings' questions
Tony: What's your favourite lullaby on the album and why?
Jenny: I like different lullabies for many different reasons. "Jesus
Bids Us Shine" I am fond of because of the musical arrangement. Tim
Oliver did a wonderful piano interlude -transporting! "Made With
Love", an Alex Legg song with a beautifully crafted lyric. My
favourite over all is "Jesus Friend Of Little Children". Our son,
Angus, now six years old, was given a framed lyric of that song by his
God-parents when he was born. It has always been on his bedroom wall.
A wonderful song!
David: a) Jenny singing "Jesus Friend Of
Little Children" - simple beauty, great truth, sense of tradition; b)
"Father's Precious Baby" for Finlay.
Tony: When you were recording did the sessions send you to sleep?
Jenny: Ha ha!! Actually no. Making the album was a lot of fun. I loved
the session. I prefer to sing quiet, contemplative songs. It was just
the right project for me. There was a small desire to let rip now and
then, though!
David: No, but I played it to the songwriter and
keyboard player Jo Puleston on the way back from Cross Rhythms and she
went off in the car, so I thought YES!
Tony: Have you tried any of the lullabies on kids?
Jenny: My son, Angus, gets the live version of 'Sing Lullabies'. I
often sing to him at night before he goes to sleep. He likes the CD.
"Wide, Wide As The Ocean" seems to be this month's flavour!
David: From the demo stage on I've used the songs with Finlay, now
16 months - it works very well!
Tony: I enjoyed the album and I don't have any tiny tots I'm trying to woo off to sleep. Wouldn't you say this album has adult appeal?
Jenny: Yes Yes YES! It's not solely a kiddie CD! I hope it will touch
and soothe adults when they play it at bedtime and quiet moments. I
have vivid memories of sitting with Angus as a baby, giving him his
bedtime feed, ALWAYS with music. The music was something we shared and
experienced together - like an esoteric cement as parent(s) and baby
formed those loving bonds. It's great to have spiritual lyrics, at
these times, weaving their way into our hearts and minds.
Definitely, we're all children of God! One of our aims was the album
would touch parents of kids, eg, up in the night, or in the car, and
especially those who've left the church and may get a "trigger" from
an old Sunday school song. Tim Oliver and Alex Legg have made the
tracks sound alive (compared to so much in the same genre) and
pleasing to all kinds of ears and ages, I hope!
Tony: I understand Legg and Morris are recording another album together. Tell me about that.
Jenny: Yes. We are working on children's best loved songs, hymns,
Sunday school songs. Not sure of the title just yet. Once again a mix
of old and new(ish). From "My God Is So Big" through "Tell Me The
Stories Of Jesus" to "All Things Bright And Beautiful" and "We Are
Marching In The Light Of God". Alex Legg and Tim Oliver are producing
again and so far it sounds refreshing, new and Grrrrrreatttt!
David: Children's best loved hymns. We can lose the best of the old,
only concentrating on the new. We need both/all!
really enjoying your c.d. Sing Scriptures, it is the best c.d. kids songs I have heard so far - and been looking for years . Going to try the lullaby one for my great grand son - thankyou and wa hey!