Kirk Franklin: Honest And Vulnerable

Wednesday 11th January 2006

In an extensive interview with Mike Rimmer gospel star KIRK FRANKLIN talks about his battle with pornography, his lawsuits, the faith of Stevie Wonder and much more.

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It's often easy to play a guessing game with famous people to try and work out whether they are Christians. Wonder has always had a spirituality in his music and back in the '90s the group Take 6 talked about leading him to the Lord. What are Franklin's observations? "I believe that he does have a relationship with Christ. I'm going to tell you something else. A lot of times in the music industry there are a lot of Christians that because they work with so many artists, they also learn different trains of thought, which can be very dangerous. So my desire is that in my friendships with people, that I can just lovingly share with them how the Gospel cannot be contaminated, or even tainted, or even have another view connected to it. You'd be surprised how many celebrities and guys have people in their lives - whether that's pastors or teachers - that even allow for that. So you'd be surprised. A lot of these people, they're getting the stuff because they live in LA and they live in an industry that is very all-inclusive, which is dangerous. The only thing hard about it is that you don't want to upset people but there are times when the Gospel is offensive. There's nothing hard except for the fact that you know that when it's the Gospel it's got to be the Gospel. The lines have to be drawn."

In Birmingham, I have a friend called Roger Moore who encourages grassroots gospel talent. A while back he suggested that if I interviewed Kirk Franklin, I should get him to say a few choice phrases into a tape machine that he could insert into tracks so that it would appear that Kirk was contributing to the show. An "all my people" here and a "praise the Lord" there and you'd have a sprinkling of Franklin magic to give the track more cred. Franklin does have a reputation for talking on his albums. But 'Hero' finds him making only the second recorded vocal performance of his career. On 'Watcha Look' 4' he sang "Mama's Song" and now he does a plaintive vocal on the beautiful "Without You". He admits he doesn't sing often because "That's not my strength. I'm not a singer, you know? I've always had people around me that really, really, really sing. So what I do is I sing through them. This time, the people that I was working with - at first I taught them the song. They were like, 'No Kirk, you need to do this one because that's your story. You're the only one that can really say that.' It was the very first song that God gave me for the album; the very first song. It's just a song that talks about all these incredible things that we think we can do within ourselves but at the end of the day, it's meaningless. Surprisingly there are a lot of people that come up to me and say that they love the song. So it's like, wow!"

But isn't he just a fraud? An artist who barely appears on his own albums but instead lets those more talented than him do all the work? "Oh! You know it's funny," he responds, "I think people have just come to accept it now. This is the first interview that I've done that that question has really come up in detail. I think people have just come to know that I don't really sing. It's weird that I don't sing but I do albums, you know? I guess it is what it is and I'm just trying to do what I do."

Historically the situation has arisen because Franklin has always really been a choir director. He agrees, "In black gospel music you can be a choir director and not sing and do an album. Because in black gospel music it's all about the choir. Whether it's like Ricky Dillard and Nu Generation, or Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship. These are not guys that are solo artists. These are guys that are known for their choirs, like the Mississippi Mass Choir.just so many guys that had groups. Like Orlando Draper and the Associates. Do you remember Orlando Draper? Well he never really sang. So all I was doing was do what everybody else did in gospel music. God had given me some songs and people seemed to be really blessed by what God gave me - his gift as a songwriter. I would teach songs. It was never my attempt to try and talk on songs. What I was doing was, I was just kind of like a worship leader. I was just talking through the songs like a preacher would on Sunday mornings. But for some reason it came out different for me!"

'Hero' features a couple of songs that are linked thematically and are designed to truly encourage the listener. "Looking For You" and "keep Your Head" seem to really sum up the heart of gospel music. Kirk explains, "Because it's Gospel music you have to have the Good News; the message of God's purpose, his hope and the end result for everybody who trusts in him and who trusts in his Son. So you can't do a gospel album without encouraging people. That's just a very natural thing to be able to point people into his direction and into his light. The gospel music is not the end-all for people with problems but it is pointer into his presence. I love the second line of "Looking For You" which is - 'It was hard for me to see your plan for me/And so I had to believe the troubles won't last always.' When it's dark and you don't understand what God is doing it's hard to remember that God has a plan connected to it. That purpose is always connected with pain. And it's hard! When it's hurting it's very hard to remember that. So if it's hard for me, then I can imagine it's hard for people through their day to day lives and don't get a chance to be around a community of other Christians all the time, working on gospel music. So it's just trying to encourage them and to remind them of that truth."

I observe it's been a while since Kirk toured the UK. He confesses, "Man I miss the UK! You don't understand, London is me and my wife's favourite place! If we could, we would buy a house in London. Man, we LOVE London! So if anyone is reading this, please call and invite me to London!! Because I want to do the 'Hero' album in London. I just want to do the music and sing all day and just perform the new album for everybody. So PLEASE, PLEASE INVITE ME TO LONDON! PLEASE SOMEBODY CALL ME!!"

I think we get the idea! I would do it but he's just out of my league. He's too expensive now! He laughs, "Well just feed me! Feed me some good food!" If only it was that simple! Kirk Franklin will sing gospel music for food. Now that I could probably manage. He laughs again "Will Work For Food. I'll make a sign and put it on my chest!" Hmmm. Now that would work! CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.
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Reader Comments

Posted by Qwesy bynny in Ghana @ 10:22 on Apr 13 2014

Praise be to God Kirk you are free indeed, i am also an adict to thesr immoral lifestyle and even the worse of all i have been battling masturbation for a long period ...... Please pray for my soul

Posted by Isaiah in Nigeria @ 12:19 on Jan 25 2014

I want to thank you (kirk) very much for sharing this testemony and i say all glory belong to the almighty God for his grace and mercies and i want to say to everyone that is going through the struggle to believe in God, believe in what our lord Jesus did on the cross, confess to him and allow Jesus into your life and have faith in God for he will surelly deliver you, he did it for me and he will do it for you not by your might but by his grace and mercies, remain bless in Jesus name, amen.

Posted by D.M. in USA @ 09:50 on Aug 14 2013

I am 25 years old and I have been struggling with my addiction to porn since i was in Junior High School. I know I have been disappointing God but I don't know how to stop. I am tired. I admit i do have a problem and i need help. I am tired.

Posted by Destiny in VA @ 23:29 on Apr 17 2012

I am a christian female an i stuggle with porn I havent told anyone cause im too embarssed, I'm afraid of getting in the word cause im scared that the lord will dis own by the thoughts that come through my mind so if your reading this pray for me to help me break through i know god help many people in the bible get throgh an i believe he wont leave me behind an if there anyone else thats out there thats going through god is the only way cause what he does for one he will do for another.

Reply by Lou in New York @ 02:38 on Sep 22 2012

Hi Destiny, I know your struggle because I've had the same one for over 30 years. I received Christ as my savior 25 years ago and was delivered from drugs and cigarettes yet the desire, the need to viewit, stayed with me. I struggled with it since preteen to teen years and have always felt like a broken toy because of this obsession. I do believe God loves me and I also believe He will let my soul be damned to hell. I am His and I am a work in progress. Phil 1:6 God will help you my sister, just as I have faith He'll continue to help me. I believe the key is loving Gods word and hiding it in pur hearts that will ultimately set us free. Jesus said thst the Truth will set us free so keep in His word and continue to put your hope and your faith in Him. God bless you too.

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Reply by James in London @ 07:28 on Sep 8 2012

Hey Destiny, just prayed for you. I also struggle with pornography, and like you, can't tell anyone because of the shame. But I pray that we will take on God's strength from day-to-day, and that His grace and love will be sufficient for us.
Stay strong and stay blessed

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Posted by Nicole in Florida @ 20:06 on Jan 10 2012

@ Linda ... I know what u are going through ... My husband just told me the news 2 days ago... We are in the same boat, same thoughts. He has been goin through this for about 8 years... I wish we could talk more, bit let me know how u cope

Posted by linda in texas @ 18:00 on Nov 23 2011

I pray for this in the struggle as I have been recently made aware my husband views porn and has for the last twenty one years been involved in one area or another with women. It has hurt me deeply and cause our marriage great pain. He will not accept responsibility but rather tells me he wants the past to stop being brought up when he continues to lust this out one way or another. Scripture says divorce for adultery and that he carries my sin for the divorce adultery thought word or deed I have tried every thing what is hard is he prefers this that to his wife in his own bed! I have tried to stay healthy strong and attractive in the word staying close to Christ when do you call it quits I need to someone to respond It will be twenty one years we have been together

Posted by hope mooketsi in south africa @ 13:52 on Aug 23 2011

to God be the Glory for using you kirk,you are a true minister i love you music.

Posted by adekemi omole in nigeria @ 11:25 on Jul 24 2011

thank you kirk for your songs..thanks for answering the call..your songs have ministered to me greatly..especially Hero..those songs got to me when nobody could. ..........AM STILL SERVING GOD AND I WILL FOREVER......

Posted by Billy in VA @ 15:32 on Jun 6 2011

Kirk when I hear a about this testimony.I think of me looking in to a mirror of my self. I to started around 8or 9 didn't really learn about what I was doing to my self until I got old. This is one the hardest things to shake in my life. Its like its en bedded in to my soul. I can feel GODS big blessing for me and my fam, but this must be laid arrest first. Please e-mail me with advice.

Posted by Rochelle Phillips. in Wellignton New Zealand @ 19:34 on Jan 24 2011

I am the wife of a great man who has a huge struggle with porn. Its not only a painful struggle for him but also for me. It causes friction between us and it is really hard to seperate the sin from my husband. It also really hard because no one around us seems to understand what we go threw and it is a very lonley and empty struggle. We have reached out many times but each time we end up getting no where and back to him and i struggling against each other. I have been praying for years against this nasty battle that we face and i know that God is greater than any addiction but sometimes like at this moment i feel very deepleted and burnt out and it truly feels like it will never end. We have been together for 16yrs and he's alwyays struggled with this including having sex with other woman all threw out our relationship. So he has never been faithfull and thats realy hard to deal with most of the time. I would love to hear from Kirks wife and see how she got threw her struggles each and every day. I do know that it is only Jesus who will get us threw but it is hard to get up and pray after once again you've been crying out to God and again find that wrethced stuff on his phone again and he tells me to just get over it because he's just going to keep looking at it and basicaly it shouldnt affect me at all and its got nothing to do with me. Its really horrible and hard to deal with. Please somehow can you help us even though you are on the other side of the world we need some one that truly knows what we go threw each day.

Reply by janet dixon in sanford, n.c. @ 22:25 on Feb 21 2012

It is porn and infidelity for you but it could be finance and bankruptcy 4 someone else. Because porn is so closely related to sex and procreation and since sex is designed by God for marital pleasure and has soul ties attached, we conclude that as Christians Satan's agenda is to CORRUPT AND DISTROY an institution that Gos has created.
I suggest that you do four things: 1)If your husband has become an idol in your heart in your allegience to God, repent of that. Return to YOUR FIRST LOVE. Seek to repair where you are weak 2) take your eyes off WHAT HE IS DOING.This is very hard. look past your husband and look to ask God to place a HEDGE OF PROTECTION AROUND HIM. See, it is his behavior and although he is an active participant, it is what Satan is using to attack his relationship with God and with you. Remember, it is the MARRIAGE that satan's after. Because the marriage was created by God!!! Pray a hedge of protection around you rmarriage and husband. 3) Although you have legitamate reasons 4 DIVORCE don't seek that. We know that this is one of the things that God HATES. So, ask the Lord to show you how to honor your VOWS. It is porn 4 u. It was MARIJUANA and DRINKING 4 ME and my husband. I wanted OUT!!!! but me and 4) my accountability partner (a seasoned Christian mother or friend) helped to keep me accountable. She called me EVERYDAY!!!Seek someone out for you by prayer.

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The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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