In our series we ask well known artists to pinpoint their most memorable live performance. This issue Basil Meade of the LONDON COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR talks about a special night at Abbey Road .
This year the London Communion Gospel Choir celebrates its 21st
anniversary with a live album recorded at the famous Abbey Road
studios in London. The choir's founder Rev Basil Meade recalls the
evening of the recording. I have worked in many of the studios on site
at Abbey Road doing backup for other artists but,on the 28th November
2002, I had the privilege of being there in my own right as an artist
to record an album as part of the LCGC's celebration of 21 years of
ministry, touring and pioneering gospel music in the UK. It was, as
expected, a memorable evening beginning with the usual chaotic
activity of sound,and video people checking out the room and setting
up camera shots. I watched as people were positioning seats in their
right place to allow for the movement of cameramen loaded with
equipment..Engineers shuffled back and forth from desk to stage
setting up microphones and then musicians arrived to set up their
instruments before testing them out. Finally choir members arrived
claiming space in the small areas alloted for changing. All in all, it
was a typical preshow movie being played out by nervous but excited
artists. The evening itself was great, the Lord was present as each
song was rendered,and we worshiped. Our special guests for the
recording were Matt Redman, Martin Smith, Sam Moore, Paul Carrack and
Carleen Anderson. All of them were fantastic and helped to make an
historical evening very special. They were a blessing to the audience
who were present to witness the recording. This was a British gospel
choir bringing the praise and worship of God into a facillity,
hallowed by the world for the music recorded there by the Beatles and
other artists. This was a British gospel choir introducing the Gospel
to many who were hearing the gospel through music for the very first
time. It was a humbling memory and experience.
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