CCM star Francesca Battistelli releases new album in October

GRAMMY-winning CCM star Francesca Battistelli will be releasing her
long-awaited new album on 26th October. Francesca wrote nine of the 10
songs on 'Own It' with such songwriters as Matt Maher, Mia Fieldes,
Jefff Pardo, Ellie Holcomb, Seth Mosley and Josh Bronleewe. Said
Battistelli, "I thought I had a handle on what this album is going to
be, but my husband and I prayed for every songwriting session and God
gave me a completely different set of songs than I was expecting. The
songs are so empowering. What they represent to me is my desire to own
my own identity in Christ, to kick clear out of my life, to own the
present moment and not live in the past or even the future. I don't
want to walk in half of what God has for me. I want to walk in all of
it. I want to own it! And I want that for everyone who listens too."
My Daughter, Deborah attended your concert in Lubbock Texas on October 12 Friday night at a church. her husband bought her a VIP ticket and she went alone. It was an amazing concert that spoke to all her needs. she was trying to tell me about the songs but couldn’t remember thim as they all spoke to her! it became one big message. I’m curious if you can just send me a reply back as to the songs you sang that night not including the worship songs. I thought I could help her go back to those songs and listen to them; reminding her of how God met her there! Her name was one flasher in the big screen! Deborah Burns!!! Very special night! Thank you!