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Thursday 22nd November 2018

New single/video "Voices" for mainstream hitmakers Switchfoot

THE LATEST single from Grammy-winning rock band Switchfoot, "Voices", is now picking up radio play across the US. The track is from the band's eagerly anticipated new album, 'Native Tongue', set for release on 18th January 2019. Speaking about "Voices", the band's frontman Jon Foreman said, "Some people like to have the TV or radio on as background noise. It helps them feel less alone. But I don't need the talking heads or the static. . .there's a constant hum of voices in my head. . .fighting to be heard, shaping my future thoughts and actions with their insistent murmur. If the goal is to find clarity, then this song speaks to the fact that clarity is not found in the noise, hustle or striving for it. No. Clarity is found in the silence, not the scream." CR

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