Donald Lawrence And The Tri-City Singers - Bible Stories

Friday 1st December 1995
Donald Lawrence And The Tri-City Singers - Bible Stories
Donald  Lawrence And The Tri-City Singers - Bible Stories

STYLE: Gospel
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 18325-31619
LABEL: GospoCentric 1480

Reviewed by Matt Parker

Reminding myself that its what's on the inside that counts, I was able to look past the abysmal cover to this CD. The 19 tracks on this, the second project for Donald and the gang, include six 'movements' - tracks which last less than a minute in length. The project opens well with a movement about Jesus being unknown in his times which is followed by an average opener, "Stranger". Then, after the second movement which registers high on my tack-o-meter comes the standout track for me - "A Message For The Saints". It's a rip-roaring track with an almost swingbeat. Most of the other songs are quieter with one song written by Andrae Crouch and another sung by guest soloist Daryl Coley. The main moan I have about this CD is the choir, who seem intent on cheering anyone who so much as utters a word, which meant I was reaching for the lyrics on more than one occasion. In conclusion, this release has its highlights, but its troughs outnumber its peaks.

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