Reader Comments
Posted by Debbie Schade in Bushnell IL @ 12:39 on Dec 5 2009
I am looking for a way to purchase a CD containing the song, "How Should a King Come?" I haven't heard it for years now but it is one of my favorite Chirstmas songs. Thank you for your help.
I am looking for a way to purchase a CD containing the song, "How Should a King Come?" I haven't heard it for years now but it is one of my favorite Chirstmas songs. Thank you for your help.
Posted by Pauline in England @ 17:04 on Nov 1 2009
where can I get a CD of Come Together and If my People?
where can I get a CD of Come Together and If my People?
Posted by Ron Garner in St Petersburg, Fl @ 18:10 on Jan 31 2009
Trying to find this album, how can I find this
Trying to find this album, how can I find this
The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.
Have been searching for years for a copy of tye COME TOGETHER musical which I (and so many others) long to hear again. Where can we find this???