Stuart Townend - There Is A Hope

Published Thursday 8th May 2008
Stuart Townend - There Is A Hope
Stuart Townend - There Is A Hope

RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 33938-13738
LABEL: Kingsway Music KMCD2826
RELEASE DATE: 2008-02-11
RRP: £13.00

Reviewed by Esther Jones

A firm household name within Christian circles, Stuart Townend is today the most successful contemporary hymn writer. Here, he presents a combination of familiar songs such as the ever-popular "In Christ Alone", which is given a Celtic arrangement, with recent and fairly unknown songs, with the majority written in the last two to three years. Musically, other than the Celtic backdrop, there is nothing new here. The verses and choruses are easy enough for a congregation to pick up, the chord sequences are predictable and the lyrics are nicely rooted in Scripture, but this is why Townend's songs are such a success. With a few recent worship leaders and songwriters trying to break the mould with difficult melodies and unpredictable structures, those not of a musical persuasion can rest easy with Townends songs and allow themselves to be lead into worship without worrying whether they'll hit the next note right. There is no other way to describe this set other than Irish worship. It will not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those who enjoy their contemporary hymns fused with lilting Celtic melodies and accompanied by occasional uilleann pipes, whistles and strings, this could be just the ticket.

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Reader Comments

Posted by sarah searle in hastings @ 13:32 on May 18 2008

The whole albumn is really professional musically and although most have a irish feel there is still plenty of variety. Some of the songs / hymns are fantastic with the most wonderful words that at times are quite moving, including The Salvation Song, There is a hope and Psalm 103, Communion song and Benediction. I am listening to it loads.
A brilliant albumn.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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