The Young Continentals - True Friends

Tuesday 1st June 1993
The Young Continentals - True Friends

STYLE: Childrens
LABEL: Christian Art 0001522191
FORMAT: Cassette Album

Reviewed by Sammy Horner

"Well guys, here we are again, praisin' the Lord with our voices and bodies!' So I just joined in - my body moonwalked across the room, done a forward cartwheel then kicked the eject button, while my voice said "Praise the Lord!" I don't know what I've done to annoy our trusty Ed but I'm sorreee - pleze, pleze, pleze don't send me any more albums like this. Drill my teeth, hold my dog to ransom - anything, but not this! Canyon sized cavities can only come from this sugary offering, but it's worse. Imagine silver paper in your cavities and you're halfway there! Nasal cliches abound, everything that us Brits hate about America has been committed to DAT by Cam Flora, the bloke who's previously given us years of teeth-glinting wholesomeness with the Continental Singers. So who's this drivel aimed at anyway? My kids hated it, I'm less than keen on it and if I played this to any teenagers I could easily find myself hospitalised. It makes you realise that even though we whinge about our lack of dosh in this country, we are all the better for having the likes of Rich Hubbard writing great stuff for our kids. Did I mention, I didn't like this much; the cover is quite good... in fact, now that I look at it again.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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