Over the years this has included university bars, school assemblies, youth nightclubs, music festivals and town centres.
They range from live broadcasting of events and festivals, to holding gigs with bands and even full blown radio roadshows complete with live bands, presenters and contemporary teaching. They have also taken the form of gigs hosted in our own city of Stoke-on-Trent and our very own radio presenters Deejaying in a local rock pub.

Outside broadcasts
Cross Rhythms Radio has ran loads of outside broadcasts every year. These include live broadcasts at festivals such as Spring Harvest, Grapevine, Soul Survivor and others. We have also broadcast live gigs with bands such as The Tribe, Yfriday, Delirious?, Matt Redman and loads of others. Other outside broadcasts include such things as the Stoke-on-Trent Christmas Carol service outside the Town Hall; the launch of Cross Rhythms City Radio; local election meetings; local election results night; the College of St Mark & St John Students Union lunchtine show; plus loads of live on location interviews.
Working in partnership with the owners of a fantastic fully equipped roadshow truck, over the years Cross Rhythms has done numerous live roadshows at our own festivals in Devon and Dudley, the Soul Survivor festival and on Plymouth Hoe. The roadshow truck was an excellent outdoor stage and like all roadshows was also great at attracting a crowd from passers by. The event we held on Plymouth Hoe in 1997 featured three bands: Tree63, Naked Lyric and David Evans, and drew in a crowd of several hundred people.
Typical roadshows also involved CR DJ's, games and some inspirational teaching.
The Rigger
Four months after the launch of Cross Rhythms City Radio on 101.8FM, we received an email from the manager of The Rigger pub in nearby Newcastle-under-Lyme. He had stumbled across our station on his car radio (our RDS signal is called XRHYTHMS), and he loved the rock music we were playing. He also wanted to support our type of broadcasting because he felt that it helped bring a balance to the majority of media output.
Consequently, from August 2002 to August 2005, every month on the first Wednesday, Cross Rhythms DJ's played Christian rock music and videos at The Rigger pub. It is also the venue we have hosted both Phatfish and V12 bands.