A superb choir drawn entirely from a London local church are the WOOD GREEN GOSPEL CHOIR. Hughie Lawrence spoke to the choir's director Isaac Carter.

GospelOne of the many anomalies of the British gospel scene is that
though there are dozens of top rate choirs only a handful have ever
made a recording. Hopefully that is at last starting to change. The Wood Green Gospel Choir
have long been acknowledged by those in the know as one of Britain's
finest and now the London-based choir have an album out. "This
Fellowship", distributed by that record label catalyst for the gospel
scene Awake Records. I spoke to Isaac Carter, the long time director
of the WGGC, and asked him to give me some background. "Our name
reflects the local area in North London where we come from," said
Isaac. "Our church is actually called the Wood Green New Testament
Church Of God (WGNTC), and so when we were forming the choir at that
time we thought it would be good if we actually took the name from the
area." As well as being the choir's director Isaac plays the keyboards
for WGGC. I asked him how he found it submitting the choir to the
disciplines of recording a CD. "The album was a very interesting
experience for me. Before that I had never written any songs so I sat
down and began composing! I was rather surprised at how well the
lyrics I had put down and some of the arrangements actually sounded on
the album!' WGGC is rather a family affair. Said Isaac. "Just off hand
I can think of about two or three brother and sister couples in the
choir and there are three or four married couples. My wife is
currently in the choir and my sister was in the choir but she's left
now to have a baby, so there've been quite a few. Both conductors.
Paul Brown and Colin Vassell have sisters in the choir. The vision for
the choir was my late father's, the Reverend Isaac Newton Carter. At
the time when the WGNTC was formed it was a combination of two
churches, one from Tottenham and one from Hornsey in North London. So
we had different people from different backgrounds all coming together
to form a new church. My dad thought that one of the ways to cement
the relationship between the different churches was to start with the
young people. So he thought if you had a choir, which drew all of the
young people into it; then that would be a way of uniting the church
from the base. ie. from the young upwards. We only have members from
the church itself. We don't have the advantage or facility to pick and
choose from different churches, like some community choirs who can
pick and choose different vocalists from different churches and then
make up their choir. All our members come from our church. And that
means that all the talent that we have, we have to develop and nurture
it; to get it to the standard where we feel it can perform." Among the
more unusual engagements WGGC have undertaken was a tour of Ireland.
Commented Isaac.
"We received an invitation from the Elim
Pentecostal movement to come across and minister in some of their
churches, but while we were there an opportunity arose to visit
Belfast and a place called the Stadium which is right in the heart of
Belfast. We went down there and ministered and it was fantastic. The
Lord really blessed us and used us to bless the people there. We were
the first black choir to go there. In fact we were the first black
choir to tour in Northern Ireland. When we went it was the time of the
first cease-fire and the Lord really used us to minister to the
people. We did about six or seven events. We went to a local school
and we did about five churches. We were really kept busy!" Isaac is
convinced that there is still a huge potential to communicate through
the vehicle of
gospel. "Gospel music in its purest form is
message music. Gospel music is not a set of vague lyrics; it's music
with a purpose. It's to convey the message of Jesus Christ, to exalt
his name to the world. So whenever you sing gospel, in a choir, as a
solo vocalist, in a group, you are once again reaffirming the
supremacy of Jesus Christ. That in itself is a ministry because you
are lifting up and you're exalting the name of Jesus Christ. What's
more important though is that when you're doing it under the anointing
then it clearly is a ministry. Because if God has given you a talent
and you're using it to exalt his name and to tell other people about
him then I can't think of any other clearer ministry than that." Isaac
is certain that the potential of British gospel is still largely
untapped. "WGGC is one of many choirs throughout England ministering
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I think the standard of British gospel is
vastly underrated. There are a lot of talented singers and choirs and
WGGC is one of them. I wouldn't presume to put myself above or beneath
any other choir." 1 finish by asking Isaac what plans are afoot to
promote "This Fellowship'? "So far as this album's concerned we want
to get on the road and promote it, sell it and perform it live. That's
what we want to do. It's lovely to do an album, but anyone who's seen
us would agree that WGGC is a live kind of choir, very vocal, very
kind of gregarious, very exciting. That's what WGGC are. We love
performing live. So we want to get on the road with the album. We want
to continue to minister in as many places as we can. The Bible says,
'Go ye into all the world," and we have been blessed being able to
take that message literally. We have been to Germany about four or
five times; we've been to Northern Ireland and to Belgium a couple of
times. So we're hoping to expand, by the grace of God, further into
Dear Choir Director
We at Edmonton Methodist church in North London N9, will be having a community Gospel concert on the 14th November 2015 at 6pm. and we are looking for a quest choir for our event. We are wondering if you are available on that date above to perform or minister for this event.
This concert is base towards the people in and around the community of Edmonton and the whole of Enfield and It will be great to have you if are available.
If you need any other information about this event, please feel free to contact me on this email address or by phone on 07932060116.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Sean Davis