Stars Go Dim album released following stream of singles

AFTER A shoal of singles, Nashville-based singer/songwriter Chris
Cleveland, better known as Stars Go Dim, released his 12-track album,
'Better', on 17th May. Said Cleveland, "Songs are like little
polaroids in a scrapbook - the kind my mom used to haul out of the
closet when we were kids to show us what life was like before we could
remember. I'm not sure those exist anymore with the rise of cell
phones and technology, but for me, that's how I feel about my records.
My latest project, 'Better', is simply that - little polaroids of real
life told through songs. The past few years have been full of
transition, pain, hurt, redemption, joy, love. . . full of life. I
hope that's what you hear when you listen to these songs. It's just me
being honest about what was happening at the time."