Reader Comments
I don't really want to start arguing with a distributer about their "review" of David K's album - but I've always found people like his music the more they listen to it. With regard to "Jesus is Cool!" Jesus is the coolest man in the world to real Christians - and some people have been 'knocked out' by the lyrics to that song. And apparently he's been playing keyboards like that for 30 years "its his sound Man!" (ha ha). In short dear reviewer thanks for everything - I'm sure this review will encourage lots of people to have a listen to this original Christian rock artist. WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO COMPARE WITH THE LATEST "find" like Mika etc.?
David K is an energetic British singer-songwriter and keyboarder of great promise, with the knack of penning catchy7, topical, and original Christian songs. He sayd, "Tell the children, the people and the media that Jesus is cool!" With a smile and a chuckle at times, to this gentle contemporary-rocker, clearly this inspiring temperate modern-album has been a labour-of-love. It is highly appealing in novel content as well as traditional themes. With all new repoertoire, I can see this promising music ministry must appeal to the young of his home church and community expanding nationally and internationally.
Darren Mangold (BBC Radio Nottingham) said of "Jesus is Cool", I have not heard a Christian song this good in years. I would very much like to encourage this much needed ministry.
Pastor Keigh Brown of His Coming Ministries Radio said "When I saw the title "Jesus is Cool" I thought this isn't for me but I was surprised - I LOVE IT!"
Dennis Payne of Sonraysia Gospel Radio, Australia, observes "David is an annointed singer".