Randy Stonehill With Larry Norman And White Light - Born Twice

Published Saturday 3rd September 2005
Randy Stonehill With Larry Norman And White Light - Born Twice
Randy Stonehill With Larry Norman And White Light - Born Twice

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 13332-3030
LABEL: Solid Rock SRD971
RRP: £15.99

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

In his late teens, Randy Stonehill was led to Jesus by Larry Norman and embarked on writing songs about his new faith. Recorded in 1970, 'Born Twice' was his debut album. Split between a side of songs recorded solo and live and a side of studio songs backed by a rock band, 'Born Twice' really is a Jesus music highlight. I've had the album on vinyl for years and it's good to see it released on CD. Live highlights include "I Need You" which is later mirrored on 'Welcome To Paradise' in the song "First Prayer" and then there's "Help Me Lord" with its passionate pleading vocal performance. The studio set of songs kicks off with the brilliant rocky "Never Can Repay" and features the acoustic haunting "Passing Stranger" as well as Randy's re-working of Larry's "I Love You". The original album closes with the humorous testimony song "Norman's Kitchen" complete with sound effects! There's a bonus live cut and his version of "Christmastime". If you've bought the 'Cottage Tapes' CD then you will already have heard a lot of the studio material on this but 'Born Twice' does stand as testimony to the singing, songwriting and playing skills and talents of Stonehill even at the very start of his career. It's a classic!

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Reader Comments

Posted by Dougie Adam in Renfrewshire @ 16:42 on Feb 17 2009

9 stars out of 10 for a CDR pressing which has been sourced from a scratchy vinyl LP... bizarre when the two Cottage Tapes CDs used the master tapes from the sessions :(

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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