The Tribe - Fresh

Published Wednesday 1st December 2004
The Tribe - Fresh
The Tribe - Fresh

RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
LABEL: Alliance 1902829
FORMAT: DVD Music video
RRP: £0.20

Reviewed by Kevin J Foulger

This DVD is dynamite! Watch The Tribe proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ, talking about situations from the Bible and leading by example. There is a sense of a passion for God, joy and enthusiasm as band members give their powerful testimonies and talk about life situations. There are also some great scenes, like where one of the band goes on a tandem skydive. At first I was a little concerned over the picture quality as it was a bit jerky in my TV's DVD player, but when played it on my PC it was fine. There is at least one strobe light scene, but also a clear warning before it appears. Some great music videos are also a part of this quality production. One of them which sticks in my mind shows two amazing professional break dancers, which is fascinating to watch. There are some risky moves which two of the band have to make, like running up a wall and flipping over, but also a clear warning not to try this at home. After watching this DVD I felt challenged, inspired and revitalised. It was a real blessing!

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Katie in United Kingdom @ 20:29 on Jul 15 2005

Flippin amazing DVD. Very challenging and covers all thoose issues christian teens and teens in general face, thoose being money, self-image, sex, living life to the max, creativity and drugs and alcohol. If you want to feel challenged and inspired check it out !!!

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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