Reader Comments
The music of Three Crosses continues to speak to me like no other. I'm hoping to see a return.
At the moment I'm listening to Three Crosses on Spotify - it says you can buy their albums from them. (I've got them all anyway...)
These are three excellent albums!
Allan Clare, Bristol, UK.
I made my decision for salvation based upon this band's music
Not long ago I heard "The Stone Was Rolled Away" That is such a great song!! Love this band!! Come Back!!
Man, I absolutely loved 3 Crosses. Found two of their CDs in a used CD store when I converted back in 2000, and those CDs have fed me and just really helped me in my walk. It amazes me you guys didn't make it big - I think some of the songs are just incredible.
Years ago you guys helped get me back into Christian music. I'm still writing alot. I was trying to tell someone about the song Mission Bell and haven't been able to locate the CD. You guys had a great sound. I hope you're still working somewhere for Him.
I was looking for some new music to bring to my church, I'm the contemporary music leader there and I remembered these guys. I like the wide eyed look from people when introducing them to a more progressive sound and still keeping the faith. Thanks Guys. .t
what happened to the band, i love the music and have a very hard time finding the cd's
thanks for any help and god bless
we disbanded some 10 years ago...its really incredible that i still find folks who are interested in the band..as far as cds..i would check ebay..thnx again for your interest!
three crosses helped bring me into christian rock and christianity all together. where can I hear and buy this cd or any other albums from them on cd?
i 'm so glad to see that our music is still making an impact in a postive way in peoples lives... anyway... i believe ur best bet is to try amazon or ebay or something like that since the cds are out of print...all the best
I have Three crosses and Jefferson Street still. I love this sound. Wish i could find other Christian bands along this style. Hard to find the quality put out by three crosses.