Chris Cole encourages us to be history makers

From a young age, I was always delighted in reading history books and autobiographies about history makers. Perhaps it was because history is all about people and the choices and decisions they made in order to changes things. It is the stuff of life.
I was a crazy idealist in my youth because the 60's inspired that kind of thinking and if the truth be known I haven't changed much on that score although sadly, I've mellowed with age. You know people start revolutions and some revolutions are very worthwhile. People, created in the image of God are amazing creatures and the crown of God's creation. You see life doesn't change or make any sense without the process of relationship, first with Him and then with each other. Conversion is a revolution.
The sixties was a decade of revolution which ushered in massive change in the West. It was during this decade the Jesus Movement was conceived and birthed. A Davidic generation was born. Contemporary Christian music was a product of this historic time. Bob Dylan's track 'You've Gotta Serve Somebody' from 'Slow Train Coming' was used powerfully by The Holy Spirit in my own conversion.
When I became a Christian, this appreciation for history and people deepened. First of all because I discovered that I had a testimony; I had a real story to tell which could impact other people. For the first time in my life I was truly empowered for life. Now this testimony is a true story about our lives which could be shared in a court of law, under oath and would be a true account of our lives since meeting Jesus Christ, so it is significant and powerful stuff.
They overcame Satan by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Rev 12 v 11
I found a relationship with Jesus, which was so solid and foundational that for the first time in my life I sensed that the future was going to be better than my past. Now my past had been a mess. As a child of the sixties I was into sex, drugs and rock and roll - big time. I was so deeply entrenched in the world that it required a massive spiritual experience to get me out of it. In time I found a process which shifted my attention from myself to Him. Extremely liberating, because Divine Love is incredibly powerful.
Winston Churchill, one of my greatest heroes, said this:
"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
If you have a testimony you are a history maker. The secret of the true success of our testimonies, however, depends on all of us remembering that it is His Story. As Christians we know that history makes real sense from His perspective. Love it or hate it we cannot ignore the Middle East and Jerusalem. Jesus is coming again to Jerusalem, probably the most significant city on earth. Believe it or not, you are just as significant as a living temple for Him to reside in.
Do your bit, play your part and become a true revolutionary.
You are a His Story maker.
Dear Mr. Cole. I watched you receive annointing in Florida. So happy for you to have Mr Bentley bless you at such a historic event. I am blessed with gift of sight and work on another sky channel. I have received the annointing in my lounge, so powerfully, I have wept with joy. I have even asked those watching our channel to text me their names and i held those names to my tv last night and prayed for them. I cant stop talking about the revival, pls can you tell me where there is a meeting Oxford or London. Love and Blessings to you, from Lindy
hi honey,please get in touchxxx
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