Continued from page 3

Another thing I am naturally not inclined to do is watch what my wife calls, "Chick flicks!" The chick flick is the movie made for the woman, i.e., Miss Congeniality, Sweet Home Alabama, Save the last dance etc.

In my pursuit of a perfect marriage, I have agreed to watch them and I'll be the first to admit, they are quite fun! One of the latest DVD's to enter our house featured a younger lady teaching an older lady the finesse of attracting the eye of a gentleman. The "bend & snap" is that art. The bend & snap features, dropping something on the floor, bending gracefully to pick it up, then snapping to your feet in a quirky kind of duck pose! This hopefully makes men in the vicinity declare "wow - that woman is amazing!" The bend & snap is the "reliable old tonic" that will never let you down.

In proverbs 3:5 we have another reliable tonic. It's not the bend & snap, it's the "Trust & Lean!" Trust in God & lean not on yourself - but Him!

Again as leaders we can misplace our trust & inadvertently trust in: our own ability Ps 20:7; the money we have Prov 11:28; and even self-confidence Prov 28:26. The problem with misplaced trust is that when that trust is let down (as it inevitably is) our world & even faith gets shaken. Instead of trust & lean (on God) it becomes trust (in other things) and die trying.

Psalm 2:2; Ps 5:11; Ps 18:2; Ps 37:4-5; Ps 52:8 and any one of another 660 verses in the Bible teaches us time and again that our trust needs to be first & foremost founded in God! Don't you think it's time to trust and lean on God again.

  • In your leadership function - trust & lean

  • In your finances - trust & lean

  • In your management - trust & lean

  • In your decision making - trust & lean

You acknowledge God when you trust & lean!

So what's your job in leadership? To acknowledge God!

Now comes the good bit - God's Job!

God's Job!

Listen to Proverbs 3:6 again;
"In all your ways acknowledge Him & He will make your paths straight."
God's job is to, "make your paths straight!" What do straight paths speak of?

1. Influence

During the Roman Empire, the Romans were prolific at building roads. These roads enabled economic trade to prosper, it gave speedy access for soldiers to quell uprisings, in fact increased accessibility meant increased authority & control. The roads increased Rome's influence over the territories they conquered.

God's commitment to you is that as you acknowledge Him, he will give you influence. Proverbs 3:4 promises you "favour & influence!"