John 14:1-6, Matthew 28:18-20, John 3:16, Luke 18:27, Acts 19:11-12
James Gandon on what being a child of God means.

Our identity in Christ as children of God is one of the foundations of our faith as Christians. It is because we have been called, and identified in this way that we can:
1) Speak of the love of Jesus
2) Minister in power and with
3) Know the destiny of eternal life which He beckons us
Part of my ministry as a vicar is doing funerals. This is a great privilege and I love this side of my job.
I have the opportunity to meet with families in their time of need and guide them through the early stages of grief and bereavement. I then get the opportunity to share something of the message of the gospel with them and others gathered at the funeral of their loved one.
Many of the people wouldn't call themselves committed Christians, but come together before God to commend to Him the life of the person who has died. I often speak on the words that Jesus said where He describes Himself as "The way the truth and the life."
He is the way to God, the words He speaks are the truth and there is a hope for eternal and everlasting life because of Him.
I try and take this opportunity to speak of the love that Jesus has for each of us, and the fact that He longs for us to be in relationship with Him.
Part of my identity is to speak of the love of God for all His people.
My sonship in Jesus means that I have been given authority to preach and minister with the Holy Spirit in me. This means that like the early apostles, I can pray for people and see them healed, I can declare freedom and blessing and see people's lives touched by God, and I can look for miracles and signs of God's kingdom coming day by day, both within my church context, but also out and about, at the bus stop, in the local shop and as I walk my son to nursery.
The power of Jesus goes with me and is in me all the time because that's part of my identity.
My identity in Christ also defines my future.
I am called to know God not just today and tomorrow, but for eternity. I am a resident of heaven - my passport has been issued, my residency tests passed, my visa authorised - for eternity. With that I am secure, safe and clear in the knowledge that Christ has redeemed me, cleansed me and made me holy to be in God's presence in worship for ever.
Now all this feels like some quite deep theology. The truth of being a child of God is complex and wonderful, but it is also simple.
He's our Daddy, our loving Father, and He longs for our embrace.
So embrace Him today. Tell people about His love for them. Experience
the authority and power that Jesus has given you in the Holy Spirit,
and stand firm in the knowledge that your eternal future is in His