Revelation 4:8, Leviticus 6: 9,12 and 13
Paul Critchley reflects on relationship with God and worship of Him

For a number of years now I've had a desire to see continuous, night and day worship happening in my own city of Stoke on Trent. Before I'd heard about places like IHOP in Kansas City and more recently weekends like 'David's Tent' there had been something planted deep on the inside of me that has been longing for such a time. It's no surprise then that God has drawn me to be part of a House of Prayer over the last seven years where worship, combined with prayer is growing.
So, why all the fuss? What's the point of prolonged times of worship and non-stop praise?
Well, I don't think it's about a marathon, or even proving that it's possible. There's something special about the opportunity; about the freedom to worship; about God's worth to receive it and our pleasure to bring it.
I don't know about you, but apart from not being a great book reader, I like to get to the back to find the punch line! When I get to this place in my Bible, here's an interesting verse I find:
'Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.' (Revelation 4:8)
This is of course referring to the angels that are in awe of God as they fly around His throne. They see His beauty and cry out in wonder and praise. Maybe we do this when we choose to get close to Him and recognise how utterly amazing He is?
There's an indication early on in His book too about not just what happens in heavenly worship, but His desire for worship here on the earth. In Leviticus 6: 9, 12 and 13 it says:
'The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning...and the fire must be kept burning on the altar....The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out'.
I think God might be stressing the importance of the value He places on keeping the flame of worship and prayer alight!
But why? Is it to fulfil a need that God has for us to worship Him? I think it's like most things that He asks and requires of us: it not only pleases Him, but it benefits us.
When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, He included the line, 'Your Kingdom come, here on the earth as it is in heaven'; part of the deal in that prayer is that we worship here on the earth like in heaven as well as expect the blessings of heaven here on the earth.
Yes, I am believing for His Kingdom here in my city and nation. Yes I do believe that He is able to turn around even the most difficult situation and mend the most broken life, but I also believe that I, and the greater 'Us' have a responsibility to worship Him in advance; in preparation for the reality of more of His Kingdom in our lives and through our streets and towns.
I'm writing this at the end of the visit from Korean Christians who have come to our nation. They have prayed and worshipped non-stop here in the house of prayer in my town, along with many other locations in the UK. They have joined in with the heart to praise and welcome God back into the deep fabric of our communities. It's reminded me again that we have been privileged to access the Father's heart as we worship. We have the chance to open the door to His presence as we come before Him. I believe that as we do this His heart softens again towards us, like the earthly father who melts when his child spends time with him and chooses to come up close to him. It's the reality of the God connection we have as we make that choice to draw near, seek Him, praise Him and welcome Him.
The truth is that we need Him more than ever in this nation. Again we are humbled that nations would come to us to strengthen our hearts and body. We are so aware of many good things that we have because of Him, but we are so very aware that He has been marginalised so much from our lives, culture and our critical national decisions. It's in the context of all of this that we have a responsibility to worship and bow down before Him.
For my part, the beauty, yet challenge of offering night and day worship is what it means to bring a 'sacrifice of praise'. It's the decision to come before Him with my praise whether others choose to join in or not, with the belief that tending the fire of His presence has an impact wider than my own space, street and town. The bottom line reality is that He's worth it. He has designed me to praise and to understand the deep realms of possibility as I meet with Him. It's the knowledge that He hears my faintest cry; that He sees the reality of my life with all its flaws, yet loves me and draws me in.
Actually...the more I write, the more I'm stirred!
I'm choosing to set my intentions towards Him. I pray that whatever your day is like today, you would find room to praise Him and in that praise and offering you will find Him to be fully fixed on you and fully intent on coming to meet with you.
Maybe the following lines could be a launching point for you right now. I pray you meet Him in the divine exchange of your worship and His passion for you.
'No place I'd rather be than here in Your love, here in Your
Set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain and I
can't control'.
I want more of You God' © 2010 United
Pursuit Music