John 3:16, John 14:6
Suzie Brock expresses the frustrations of knowing the distress and needs people experience and also knowing the answer to meet those needs is Jesus.

What could I write that I have never written before, what revelation do I have that would be new and fresh to inspire a heart to go forward with God? Really there's only one thing I want to say, but sometimes I feel pressured to have to say it differently, to dress it up or make it more inspiring which is totally ridiculous because it is the most inspiring truth in history!
John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!"
Accept Christ and follow him! I just want to scream it from the rooftops!
I have the privilege every year of being part of a fundraising event in Hollywood with some of the biggest stars there are. There's one particular star who runs this event, you would know him immediately if I said his name. He is not to my knowledge a Christ follower but he does have a very big heart to meet the needs of the poor. Although I have only gone a couple times to this event to serve I have heard stories of past events.
One particular story was of this movie star coming up to the podium and screaming obscenities to the people in the audience and then banging his head on said podium in an effort to get the attention of the participants and inspire them or at least guilt them into giving more money. Of course everybody felt it was maybe too over the top and out of control but it left an impression to say the least, when I heard this story it really made me feel for him.
I have felt that frustration when I have encountered a lost and hurting heart who has yet to find the truth. Just like the movie star who knew there was a problem and a way to address that problem but realised not everyone was interested, it's the same way we as believers often feel. Knowing the distress and needs people experience and also knowing the answer to meet those needs, it's hard when not everyone is wanting to be a part!
Sometimes inside I feel like I want to bang my head on the podium when I look out and see hurting hearts that I know can be healed by simply running into the arms of Christ, by praying and trusting him. God is real and he is worth knowing and serving and following, his son Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life!
His Holy Spirit is the gift, comforter and provider to help us follow Jesus and to conquer the enemy that we might be free of oppression and experience success in this life.
It's not rocket science, it's not a private club, it costs you nothing but your decision for him, he's available ready and waiting and yet people hold back and don't go to him. It shocks and saddens me and breaks my heart. I have lived long enough and served him for enough years to know that he's worth it, that he is real, that he answers prayers. I have experienced enough to know that although I'm not always crazy about his timing, it always ends up to be perfect! Funny that I should be surprised every time, after all, he is God and God is good...all the time.
This year, believe what you believe, pray your prayers knowing they are being heard and responded too. Let faith be the banner over you and peace the place where you live!
John 14:6, "Jesus explained, "I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I
am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with
me. To know me is to know my Father too."