This is a place for you to be heard in your weeping, in your weakness and in your needs. A place to ask for water for your soul. Build your relationship with God, cry out, groan, ask your God and tell Him your needs. And receive His help.

Original Prayer

abuse and its effects

Lord i pray for those of us who are suffering the effects of hurt inflicted on us by others- abuse, bullying, rejection. Reading messages on these boards there are so many of us. Lord help us. Some of us are still in the dark. Please deliver us. In Jesus Precious Name. AMEN

Submitted by C on 20 Oct 2009


A prayer for C

Lord god i pray that you will forgiver and heall those who have being hurt for abuse,bullying and rejection. by your power i pray. this prayer in your name jesus. amen.deliver them from the evil one. amen.

Submitted by jill on 11 May 2010

A prayer for C

Jesus come and heal those who are hurting from abuse , bullying, and rejection.. I pray that all the hurt will go today . Jesus heal those who are still in darkness of these hurts. In your precius name Amen.

Submitted by jill on 19 Jan 2010

Aprayer for C

Jesus I just pray for those who are suffering from all the heart from abuse ,bullying,and rejection. Deliver them compleateley from all hearts. I know because you have healed me from all of my hearts. Jesus loves us all. he is a great god. Please come into their lives today. because today is a new beginning. thank you Jesus. Amen.

Submitted by jill on 3 Nov 2009

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