This is a place for you to be heard in your weeping, in your weakness and in your needs. A place to ask for water for your soul. Build your relationship with God, cry out, groan, ask your God and tell Him your needs. And receive His help.

Original Prayer


Dear Father I am in such distress with my body please heal me

Submitted by Kerry on 24 Nov 2009


A prayer for Kerry

Jesus come and heall kerrys body today from all herts. god be whith you trough this. give her the grace and wisdom to over come this.

Submitted by jill on 6 Apr 2010

A prayer for Kerry

Jesus come whith your mighty power and heall Kerry from all this distress and hert from her body. bring peice and wisdom. amen.

Submitted by jill on 6 Apr 2010

A prayer for Kerry

Jesus just come and pour your healling hands on Kerry she needs you so baddeley. pour your grace and comfort upon her. she is a child of god. come holy spirit i pray. jesus loves you . amen

Submitted by jill on 16 Mar 2010

Praying for you Kerry

Dear Father, I lift Kerry up to you. I ask for your healing to come into her body right now and for faith to arise in her heart that you God are doing something in her life today. Be at peace in Jesus name. Love you. Angela.

Submitted by Angela on 26 Nov 2009

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