Have you known the pain of someone you love dying from drugs, or being a Jekyll & Hyde personality through drugs & alcohol? Are you being tempted into trying drugs yourself or do you binge drink to dull the pain & memories? If you do, please pray for yourself here or for the person you know who you want to protect. Our God is so strong & powerful, turn to Him & fight for yourself & your loved ones.

If you or someone you know wants to break free of addictions, you can contact Gilead Foundations rehab.

Original Prayer

Struggle with masturbation.

Dear Lord. Thankyou Lord that you are a great God and that even though we are not worthy to be loved, you LOVE us so very much, and that we can come to you and talk to You about our struggles and addictions. I have just been reading through these prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ and I pray for them so much Lord, for breakthrough with their addictions. Through reading the ones, especially with regard to masturbation, and looking at internet sites, Lord...I can identify with this so much. Jesus I know that through you dying on the cross EVERY single sin has been forgiven.The price has been paid. Help me to remember this as I walk with you. That I am forgiven. Help us to walk in the light and not let guilt and shame take a grip. Lord I know I struggle - a lot especially recently and I really want to be free from this addiction, so much. Its dirty and horrible and I wish that I didnt give into this tempation every time I am tempted. But Lord, I have done. Lord I just, I want to feel your wonderful forgiveness that I so don't deserve at all...and to be able to just walk in the freedom you give and live for you. Sometimes i think that I sin so much, how can i ask for forgiveness.. i say sorry, want to stop and then time and time and time again - I so easily give in.... Lord it is a struggle I have had for many many years and I just pray that with your help you would help me to change - for I do really want to! Lord i know that it is only through Your strength that I can do this - i cannot do this on my own.. Help me to give it to you. Here is a verse that I felt I should write: "But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience and God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." 1 Corinthians 10: 12+13 Lord this is what you have promised, so help us to believe in your promise that you will show us a way out when we are tempted. So Lord I just pray for me, and my brothers and sisters who struggle with this addiction. Again thankyou Lord that we can come to you in prayer...and ask you to help and heal us and that you are always there and will never leave us. Thankyou Lord Amen

Submitted by Rebecca on 21 Apr 2007


A prayer for Rebecca

Jesus come and heall Rebecca fromher sins and herts and from this addiction. just send your holy spirit int rebecca from everything. just come into her heart. send your joy and comfort. jesus reigns through everything. amen.

Submitted by jill on 7 Dec 2010

A prayer for Rebecca

Jesus I pray for forgivness in Rebeccas life . I pray for healling and your grace . I pray for wholness in her mind and body.in your name i ask this jesus. amen

Submitted by jill on 16 Nov 2010

A prayer for Rebecca

Jesus come inrebeccas life today and heall her from this temtation. pour your spirit on her and love . jesus never leaves us. just strenghten her and pour your blood on her for ever . you are the gretest father . thankyou jesus. amen

Submitted by jill on 23 Mar 2010

thank you

just want to say thank you for your prayer the verse of scripture you quoted is one whic i used to recall whenever i was tempted and for a long itm enow i forgot about that Word I am just coming out of a LONG addiciton to porn and masturbation and I know that this scripture will be a great help in my recovery Father - I thank you for rebecca and pray she will continue in your way. keep her and strengthen her that she remains in You. Show her Your love when she falls and give her the boldness and courage to get up and conitnue in the faith In Jesus name. Amen

Submitted by Alex B on 10 May 2008

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