Have you known the pain of someone you love dying from drugs, or being a Jekyll & Hyde personality through drugs & alcohol? Are you being tempted into trying drugs yourself or do you binge drink to dull the pain & memories? If you do, please pray for yourself here or for the person you know who you want to protect. Our God is so strong & powerful, turn to Him & fight for yourself & your loved ones.

If you or someone you know wants to break free of addictions, you can contact Gilead Foundations rehab.

Original Prayer

Prayer and Fasting

There is safety in numbers. I was reading these prayer requests and my heart became overwhelmed by the beautiful honesty and the cry of many hearts. I know the Lord has heard each and every one of you. Do not despair. I also have found myself at many times in my life in "wrestlings" and "dying places" When we finally die to self and let Christ live in us this is the place of true freedom.. but the dying hurts. Exchanging our will for his, hurts. The process hurts. But even so, isn't this the Narrow Way? There isn't much room for baggage on the narrow way, so slowly but surely the Lord asks us for our hurts, our addictions, our sicknesses, or pains, our burdens. All the things that weigh us down. You are on the right path. Keep crying out to him. Fill yourself with his word. Take the time to soak in his presence. Ask yourself if you are esteeming anything in your life as higher than him. Church work? Home life? Family? Friends? Job? Country? Is he first? Even if he is first, you will face testings and dark places. Places where it seems like he is not even there, where he has abandoned you. But he has not. Be still. Be still. Sit before him and be still.He desires peace in his house. You are his house. Weep. Cry. Journal. Pray. Sing inspite of the pain. Give a sacrifice of praise. Let him minister to you. Throw a tantrum. Then be still and come back to him. He see's your frustrations, your pain, your anger and rage, the memories, the dark places, the ugly places. But always go back to him. I was thinking that perhaps a day or week of prayer and fasting would be a good thing on here? Like a collective day of prayer and fasting. Once a week? Once a month. As a team. If we all pray and fast together strongholds will be shattered and we can encourage one another. Jesus said "when you fast..." Not if... but when. It is another spiritual discipline that breaks bondages...A discipline that many churches do not teach therefore leaving out vital nutrient to the church body. Just a thought. If anyone is interested please post. Or email me. I personally am planning to do a season of fasting coming up in August. Pray about it and see what God would have you do. My heart is with all of you. Blessings Your sis in Christ Crystal See the Sin, but don't gaze on the sin... Gaze on the Son...

Submitted by Crystal on 29 Jul 2006


A prayer for Crystal

jesus i pray for all your blessings to touch crystal in a mighty way. i pray that you jesus will por your holyspirit and cover her with your blood.great are your ways jesus i pray amen.

Submitted by jill on 18 Oct 2011


I will stand with you sister ..

Submitted by AndyR on 1 Aug 2006

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