Want to know God? Want a relationship with Him? God so wants those phone lines between us and Him
open, He's made it extremely simple to do. If you will align yourself with
Him to the point of confessing out loud to Him and others that Jesus is Lord and
if you genuinely believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead that's
it, the phone line's open. He's an awesome God who sees the heart and He hears our
So are you ready to become a Christian?
All you need to do is say this prayer, believing it in your heart (and then let someone else know what you've done). You could also add your own prayer here so you're saying it in your own words too if you want to. God wants to hear you!
"Jesus I so believe in you, that you are real, that you lived on earth and were crucified and then God raised
you from the dead which was totally awesome.
It's just amazing that you died for me because of my sins. Please forgive me.
I know I do and say things wrong. Wrong thoughts are even in my head too. I need your forgiveness and
I really want a relationship with you. Please talk to me from today. Please guide me in my life.
I'm handing over control to you as you're Lord. I want to live the amazing life you've got for me.
I can't wait to get to know you. Amen."
Dear God,
I have made many sins in my life. Sometimes to where not only does it hurt others, but it hurts me. I do not wan't that anymore. I need you God. My Dad doesn't even love me anymore. He disowned me. Now, I know that you can't change him, but I just pray that you will come in my life and make everything better. I know as life goes on people will still make mistakes. Especially me. So I ask you to take the lead in my life. Please God help me. Give this sinner another chance. I can't live without you in my life.
Submitted by Scott Cline on 29 Mar 2013
Take the lead
Dear Scott
Know that God is a God of endless chances. The key is what is on your HEART. Have a genuine desire to turn from sin and speak to God daily.
Yes, you may sin again (as I do to this day), but if you have accepted Jesus into your life and asked for His forgiveness, you have nothing to fear but FEAR itself.
Deep down, Im sure your father loves you. Whatever problems have occurred in the past will form barriers between you and your father, making it hard to express this to each other.
Have FAITH that God will do good works in your life if you allow Him to, in time your family relationships will become stronger when they see the changes in you.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You will intercede into Scott's life and soften his heart so You can do Your works through Him. I pray that His family will see the work done in Him and embrace Him accordingly. Amen
Luke 15: 11-31
Submitted by Snooky on 15 Apr 2013
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