Want to know God? Want a relationship with Him? God so wants those phone lines between us and Him open, He's made it extremely simple to do. If you will align yourself with Him to the point of confessing out loud to Him and others that Jesus is Lord and if you genuinely believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead that's it, the phone line's open. He's an awesome God who sees the heart and He hears our words.

So are you ready to become a Christian?

All you need to do is say this prayer, believing it in your heart (and then let someone else know what you've done). You could also add your own prayer here so you're saying it in your own words too if you want to. God wants to hear you!

"Jesus I so believe in you, that you are real, that you lived on earth and were crucified and then God raised you from the dead which was totally awesome.
It's just amazing that you died for me because of my sins. Please forgive me. I know I do and say things wrong. Wrong thoughts are even in my head too. I need your forgiveness and I really want a relationship with you. Please talk to me from today. Please guide me in my life. I'm handing over control to you as you're Lord. I want to live the amazing life you've got for me. I can't wait to get to know you. Amen."

» If you want to, write down your own prayer in this prayer room
» Where to go from here

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Original Prayer

To commit or not to commit?

Lord, sometimes i am just so unsure of your existence, i feel as if i must be mad to believe all this 'christian stuff'. Yet a part of me really yearns for a relationship with you and yearns to commit myself to Jesus and to trust in you, and i don't feel that i have that yet. I know i hold back, but it is only because i am just so scared of being let down if i do trust in you. What if after all, after all this effort and the struggle of faith, after committing and trusting you, it turns out you are not even really there. I am terrified of being let down like that, but what i want the most is to be able to say 'yes i believe' and 'yes i commit to you' with confidence and faith. I know for all the issues i have, for all the doubts, even so it is not enough for me to say 'i've had it with this' and to totally give up. that is also something i can't understand! But Will i ever find you? Lord I pray that you can help me to overcome my fear of committment, i pray that you let me know that in trusting you i am not building myself up for a fall. I ask that you help me to conquer my doubts and my questions, and to simply meet with you and have this relationship that so many people tell me i am promised. So that i know your nature,and i know you truly love me, so that nothing else in the world will matter. Amen

Submitted by Gina on 19 Mar 2006


I know

HI Gina, I know exactly how you feel. I have the same doubt swallowing me and crushing my belief. But it only can if we let it. I suggest praying and reading your Bible. You have to beleive truly in your heart. I know, I might sound hypocrytical, but I know what i'm trying to do, and It might work for you. I don't know you but I will pray for you, because God loves us both. Dear lord, I pray you will bathe both Gina and I in your Holy spirit, and help us rid ourselves of doubt and just flood our hearts with your love. AMen. God bless you Gina.

Submitted by Harriet on 24 Jun 2006

He wont let you down...

Gina know this that whatever has passed God will not let you down, He is the perfect Father and His love for you is so pure and so awesome. Lord Jesus please bless Gina and let her know a complete and deep relationship with you, let her know the peace that surpasses everything, let her know the sound of your voice as you call to her, pour out upon her your Holy Spirit so that she may be strengthened and so that she may be equipped to take the journey You Father have called her to, I ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ Amen. I want you to know Gina that I sense God saying that you must stop worrying, because it is He who has found you, he knows your journey and the deep hurts you have faced and the dissapointments and that if you will only trust Him and let him lead your life, you will be blessed, He has placed a feast before you my friend, you must choose to sit and eat. Speak to God and ask him those specific questions you have, He will if you seek Him show you the answers He really will. God bless you Gina so very much.

Submitted by AndyR on 16 May 2006

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