Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Original Prayer

My son Daniel and his mum

I am seperated from my wife and awaiting a divorce, between us we have four wonderful children one of whom is Daniel who we took as our own when only two weeks old. Daniel has severe learning difficulties and part of that is his behavioural problems. Through the grace of God I have the Holy Spirit in me and there is peace in my home but when Daniel goes to stay with his mum he is like another child, completely out of control. My wife cut me out of her life nearly four years ago as she sought to find her own happiness, a year later Daniel came to live with me and visits his mum three nights a week. Now she says that she can't cope with Daniel and she wants to spend much less time with him and is not willing to sacrifice her own life anymore. I pray Lord that you would soften her heart and help her understand that the answer doesn't lie with the systems of care we have in this country (which I thank you for Lord as it is a blessing) but in our own hearts. I pray that I will have the love and understanding and the firm guidance that Daniel needs in abundance and only in your strength Lord. I pray that you would reveal yourself to her as she seeks happiness in the world and finds only confusion and pain.

Submitted by Rick on 30 Jul 2003


A prayer for Daniel

jesus i pray for your healling to heall daniel and his mum . i pray that your spirit will strenghten daniel . by the power of your sprit i pray come like fire in that family shine like the stars amen.

Submitted by jill on 21 Jun 2011

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