DeGarmo & Key - History Makers: DeGarmo & Key

Saturday 1st November 2003
DeGarmo & Key - History Makers: DeGarmo & Key
DeGarmo & Key - History Makers: DeGarmo & Key

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LABEL: Sparrow SPD80664
RRP: £4.99

Reviewed by Steve Best

Mullets ahoy on the sleeve! But once past that fashion travesty, we’re into a fine collection of classics from one of the most important and enduring American light rock combos(!). Raised on a diet of Stax/Volt classics in their hometown of Memphis, Eddie & Dana were later inspired by Larry Norman, although their first break was thanks to Pat Boone’s Lamb & Lion label. CCM staples like albums ‘This Time Thru’, ‘Straight On’ and ‘Commander Sozo…’ and the infamous track “Six Six Six” – whose video was banned from the then-new MTV in 1984, are just a few reasons why this band are so important to the CCM canon, and on this remastered 15 song collection you can now relive the memories, or make a first-time discovery and see where it all originated.

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Sample Track Listing:
1. Addey [Listen]
2. Wayfaring Stranger [Listen]
3. Emmanuel [Listen]

This track data is supplied by the Cross Rhythms CD/DVD review library. Please note that CD tracks may vary according to release region or product version.

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 13:30 on Jan 14 2011

What a loss from ccm last year when Dana Key passed from here to eternity. I was so sad to hear this news, and so glad that he shared his GOD gifted talents with us. I have so many of this duo's projects, to include this one. "Let the Whole World Sing","Destined to Win", "Every Moment", "Hand in Hand" and "Emmanuel" are some of my top fave songs on this collection. I missed not seeing "Allelulia CHRIST is Coming" and "Blessed Messiah" on this cd. There was not anything from the 1991 "Go to the Top" cd; full of great songs!!
To Eddie, you guys have blessed many lives, I thank GOD for that, and also that your music continues to
live on. GOD Bless! -Don

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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