Keith & Kristyn Getty - Getty Kids Hymnal: Family Hymn Sing

Published Wednesday 9th January 2019
Keith & Kristyn Getty - Getty Kids Hymnal: Family Hymn Sing
Keith & Kristyn Getty - Getty Kids Hymnal: Family Hymn Sing

STYLE: Childrens
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 173255-27255
LABEL: Getty Music 0000768721223
RELEASE DATE: 2018-10-26
RRP: £9.99

Reviewed by Stephen Luff

This is the third in the series from the veteran worship couple and is directly aimed at children developing a simple faith by using traditional hymns. It follows previous releases 'In Christ Alone' and 'For The Cause'. Instrumentally, the Gettys have utilised an outstanding group of Irish and American artists who on their own merits make this an enjoyable listen for all ages. The singing is provided by a children's choir including solo performances with Kristyn providing lead on three songs. The highlight for me is "What Wondrous Love Is This" which mixes Kristyn's beautiful voice with some delightful harmonies from the choir. Solos from some of the children on "His Mercy Is More" and "Jesus Paid It All" are dependent on the age, but are heart-warming nevertheless. I do wonder if the children or the listeners will struggle with the frequent thous and terms like lucid tongues (present on "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing") contained here. But this is still an enjoyable and uplifting collection.

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Product Description
Family Hymn Sing is the third in the Getty Kids Hymnal series which exists to help children learn the Christian faith through singing.

With child friendly arrangements recorded by the Getty’s band of Irish and American virtuosos and sung by kids, Getty Kids Hymnal – Family Hymn Sing is an album with songs the whole family can sing together!

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