Kevin Max Smith and Jimmy Abegg - At The Foot Of Heaven

Saturday 1st April 1995
Kevin Max Smith and Jimmy Abegg - At The Foot Of Heaven
Kevin Max Smith and Jimmy Abegg  - At The Foot Of Heaven

STYLE: Poetry
RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
FORMAT: Book General book

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

DC Talk's upward climb for world domination continues with the release of this anthology of poetry from singer Kevin Max Smith. In this instance, Smith has teamed up with guitarist Jimmy A who has contributed a selection of stunning artwork. The total impact of At The Foot Of Heaven is something of exquisite elegance. Wonderfully packaged and presented, Abegg's images capture the eye while Smith's words touch the soul. The poetry is split into four sections, Romance, Spirituality, Humanity and Eternity covering a breadth of human experience. The combination of images, poetry and relevant quotations is very powerful aesthetically making this neither a book of art, nor a book of poetry but something that is greater than the sum of its parts. OK, so Smith isn't a poet laureate but his style, at turns enigmatic, romantic and humorous makes this collection extremely accessible. Even if you've never really been into poems, you can have fun getting into this and working out what's going on between the lines. My favourite is "Listening To Thieves" where Smith's words describe Jesus on the cross between the thieves and Abegg's illustration shows Jesus carrying one of the thieves with him to paradise. Wonderful stuff! On a number of occasions I have curled up on a comfy chair and dipped into this and each time I've come away feeling refreshed. At The Foot Of Heaven is groundbreaking and Smith and Abegg deserve acclaim for their artistry in producing a work of such beauty. They also deserve to have their work published in Britain so come on Nelson Word, why not go for it?

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