Matt Redman - Inside Out Worship

Published Monday 2nd May 2005
Matt Redman - Inside Out Worship
Matt Redman - Inside Out Worship

STYLE: Music Related
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
LABEL: Survivor 9781842912263
FORMAT: Book General book
RELEASE DATE: 2005-06-01
RRP: £6.99

Reviewed by Mark Lawrence

In the 21st century, worship has become a marketable commodity. It is something we can package up and sell on to churches and Christians all over the world. A browse in any Christian bookshop will reveal a huge selection of CDs containing "worship" songs and an equal amount of books expounding what worship is and how to do it. So with an already seemingly saturated market what, if anything, does this book have to offer that makes it stand out? Well to start with this is not just a book containing one author's musings; rather it is a collection of articles taken from the website written by some of the best known worship leaders and pastors today, such as Tim Hughes, Darlene Zschech and Louie Giglio. The articles themselves are broken down into four areas which include a look at the Psalms, foundational theology and practical application. A lot of ground is covered with sections on worship and the poor, worship and the word, worship and community and songwriting among many others. If you are familiar with the Soul Survivor/Vineyard/Hillsongs style and teaching on worship then there is nothing here that is particularly new or ground-breaking, although there is an interesting exploration of lament in congregational worship, and due to there being so much crammed into a short(ish) book there isn't a lot of depth and unpacking of specific issues. There is however a good balance between providing an insight into what worship really is, and, providing a practical framework and pointers for putting them into practice. If you are a worship leader, musician or just passionate to go deeper with God and you don't own any other books on worship then this would be a great starting point. If, however, your bookshelf is as saturated with books on worship as mine are then this really doesn't add anything new.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description

In his new book Matt Redman argues that outside-in worship never works.

The book also features contributions from such experienced worship leaders as Louie Giglio, Mike Pilavachi and Darlene Zschech.

Outside-In worship never works, True worship always works itself from the inside, out. A love for God which burns on the inside - and cannot help but express itself externally too. Purposeful lives of worship exploding from passionate and devoted hearts.
In this book you?ll find guidance on how to cultivate true worship on the inside, mixed in with some thoughts and advice as to how to work it out creatively, biblically and congregationally on the outside.
Guidance from some of todays most seasoned leaders and lead worshippers: Matt Redman, Louie Giglio, Robin Mark, Darlene Zschech, Brian Houston, Terl Bryant, Chris Tomlin, Paul Baloche & many more.

Reader Comments

Posted by james Amuquandoh in Accra,Ghana @ 09:57 on Nov 13 2009

I have read the book titled unquenchable worshipper and it has really helped me. The book is very inspiring and for the fact that it talks much about love for God.KEEP IT UP AND GOD BLESS YOU.

Posted by Becci in Wirral @ 15:58 on Jan 29 2006

I'm just reading this book at the moment and its great! Inside out worship is compiled by Matt Redman but contains articles on worship by many other people (both musicans and theolgians). It is relevant for any worshipper and especially relevant for lead worshippers. As each article is only short it is very easy to read and gives you a challenge a minute! Fantastic read!

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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