Promise Keepers - The Awakening

Published Sunday 21st October 2007
Promise Keepers - The Awakening
Promise Keepers - The Awakening

RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 13283-2936
LABEL: Integrity 35142
RELEASE DATE: 2005-07-01
RRP: £12.99

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

In the past Promise Keepers live worship albums have been a mixed bag and even though few would deny the importance of the Promise Keepers movement in leading tens of thousands of men into a deeper walk with God, the spin off albums have often seemed periphery to the thrust of the events. This may change now that PK have teamed up with Integrity Music as this is excellent modern worship in pop rock style nicely produced in the studio by Bernie Herms. There are some excellent singers as well, with Anthony Evans bringing a fresh dynamic to Israel Houghton's "Again I Say Rejoice", Jason King offering a moving interpretation of the Getty/Townend hymn "In Christ Alone" and, best of all, Jared Anderson of the Desperation Band taking an Hosanna! Music oldie from 2000 "It's Time" and giving it a brand new lease of life. Here's hoping there are more albums to follow.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
Genuine worship from a man taps into something deep inside inspiring others to add their own voice.
Promise Keepers band PK7 bring this worship offering, with a contemporary edge, to minister to men and stir them in their worship of the Living God.
Includes: 'I Am Free, How Great Is Our God'.

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