Emily Graves spoke with author and broadcaster Julia Fisher about what is happening with Jews and Muslims in Israel who are coming to know Jesus

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Meet Me At The Olive Tree

Julia: This is a huge step and this is happening in increasing numbers. The identity of the people has to be protected because this is where the life and death situation comes in. I have to tell you, Emily that many, many Muslim people are becoming believers in Jesus in the Middle East at this time; not just in the West Bank, but also in other Middle Eastern countries too and very often they have to leave the place where they live. They inevitably have to lose their jobs. If it involves the husband or wife and they have to tell their husband or wife what they have done and then the wider family hears about it, it can make matters very, very tricky, but nevertheless, it is happening. The interesting thing is that when these Muslim believers do become Christians and start reading the Bible it's as though they see it so quickly, it's incredible. They become very strong Christians very quickly and not only that, in reading the Bible they also realise that, actually, Israel is important in God's plans and the Jewish people have a particular role to play and so their hearts literally change towards Israel and the Jewish people. These stories are incredible and they are brave. I use that word advisedly, but some of the people I have met are very, very courageous people.

Emily: And it's great in the book that you have got such a diverse mix of stories in there!

Julia: Yes, every story is different isn't it and every experience is different. Some of them have come from different backgrounds and no two are the same. I've interviewed so many people now and I think, surely there can't be any more stories, but you know every time I go out to record more interviews there they are and not only are there more stories, but they are growing in intensity. When you speak to a former Orthodox Jew, you really don't get more religious than that Ultra-Orthodox Jewish person and when you hear their stories and hear how they're shifting in their thinking and what they believe, wow, I mean that is really powerful too.

Emily: So how do you find the people that you interview?

Julia: I'm often asked that question. You know Emily, when you go to a place time and time again and you get to know people, I'm sort of passed around like pass-the-parcel, really. People say, oh now you must go and meet so-and-so, so actually it's all by word of mouth and it's by relationship, because they have to trust you. I mean to trust a journalist and a writer is a big thing; if somebody says to them, Julia's ok, you can trust her, she won't betray you, she won't let you down, that's how it happens. I'll be going out again. I was out there just a few weeks ago and I should be going out again in October and so already I'm planning interviews for that time. I'm in touch with the people I know and they're saying to me, I'll introduce you to such-and-such and so it goes on.

Emily: What is the one thing for you, of all of the stories of people that you have met, that has really made a difference in your life?

Julia: I think because I am a journalist and I'm also a Christian, I read my Bible and I see that what is happening in Israel shows me that God is alive; that he is doing what he said he would do as he is bringing those people back. He has got a purpose for it that involves all the nations of the world. I think when you read your Bible and read your newspaper at the same time and keep your eye on the news and the two marry up together, then that really is arresting. It proves to me that God is real because he is quite literally fulfilling what he has written about in the Bible and that is the bottom line.

Emily: What is your prayer for Israel and the people?

Julia: My prayer is, as one of the psalms says, to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That means that you pray that people find the true peace; they come to know who the Messiah really is, because he is the only one who can be this common denominator to bring people together and to quieten down the conflict that is always over spilling there. So when I pray for the peace of Jerusalem I am praying for the salvation of Israel; I'm praying for the strengthening of the believers there; I'm praying that the Christians in the rest of the world will have a heart for what God is doing there because that really is so precious to him. It's at this time that so much is happening and we're so privileged to live at this time in history when things are moving so fast and so many prophecies are being fulfilled.

Emily: How can we find out more about your book?

Julia: We have a charity called the Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund and the website for that is www.olivetreefund.org. On there you can listen to many of the interviews that I have recorded on our programme called The Olive Tree. All the information about the books is on the website. There are several books there and you can order them through the website as well.

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