Angels In War (The First World War) Part 3

Dr Victor Pearce
Dr Victor Pearce

'Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See darkness is on the land and deep darkness on the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.' We live in days when this scripture is beginning to be fulfilled. But the time of darkness and light together, will bring about a greater time of 'spiritual warfare' and will necessitate a deeper call to prayer. To help us get a sense of the power of prayer and the revealing of God during warfare we need look no further than WWI and WWII. These were extraordinary days in our nation to live through. Dr Victor Pearce (now 94) lived in both wars and chronicled the amazing stories of the revealing of the power of prayer and the intervention of the Lord during warfare. This is the fifth in a series of articles revealing these stories. I think you will be moved and inspired, and I pray the Spirit of God will speak into your spirit through what you read - Jonathan Bellamy, Cross Rhythms CEO.

The Reason For Supernatural Intervention

Can we find a reason why God should have intervened in the First World War? There are a number of reasons, but the one I have already mentioned is that victory for the Allies made it possible for the British Government to promise a home to be established in Palestine for the Jews. We will look at the following questions:

1. What made the British government make this promise?
2. Had God said anywhere that he was going to bring Israel back to the 'Promised Land' after so long away?

Charter For A Jewish Commonwealth

Newspaper reports answer the first question. The Kemsley National Newspaper revealed years afterwards the following:

Israel elects Weizmann. Dr Chaim Weizmann, the greatest figure in world Zionism, was elected President of the Provisional Council of the State of Israel in Tel Aviv last night. Dr Weizmann is 73. He helped to secure the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promising support for creating in Palestine a national home for the Jews. Dr Weizmann was once offered a seat in the House of Lords in recognition of his service as a chemist to Britain in World War I.

So what was that service? He invented TNT, the high explosive which made the British weapons more powerful and hastened victory. Here is another news clip from the time of the Second World War:

It is well known that Dr Weizmann, the Zionist head, saved the situation for the Allies in the last [First] World War by inventing the cheap process of manufacturing acetone for TNT explosive. For this service to the Allied cause the Balfour Declaration promising the setting up in Palestine of a National Home for the Jews was made. Will he do it again? An Australian paper gives the news that Dr Weizmann has prepared a formula for a new super-bomb said to surpass anything yet invented, and to have created a sensation among military experts. Later news is that the Doctor has offered the United States Government a new method of producing synthetic rubber. Dr Stephen Wise says he would not be surprised if this new invention wins for the Zionists a Charter for a Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine. (Source: The Christian Herald.)

Soon after that promise of a home for Jews, victory was given to General Allenby over Turkey who governed Palestine. British forces then marched into Jerusalem without a shot being fired simply because the Air Force flew over Jerusalem. This made the Turks panic and flee out while there was time. The Turkish newspapers had the date at the heading: on one side it was 1335 in the Moslem date system. That was the figure given to Daniel in chapter 12 verse 12. On the other side of the heading the Western date was given. It was 1917. (See my book Evidence for Truth, Volume 3: Prophecy.) It is stated in Daniel 12:12 that the Israeli who reaches the year 1335 will be blessed. Dr Richardson commented:

Our year 1917 is the year 1335 in the Moslem calendar when the Balfour Declaration established a home in Palestine. In 1886 Dr Gratton Guinness correctly interpreted these prophecies thirty-one years before fulfilment and wrote them in his book Light for the Last Days, Marshall Ltd. 'There can be no question that those who live to see the year 1917 will have reached one of the most important of these terminal years.'

You might wonder why God wanted to bring back Israel to Palestine after such a long time. Briefly the answer is, because he promised Abraham and Moses that he would do this. He also told many of the prophets that he would. In my book on prophecy I review all that God told the many prophets, so I won't enlarge upon it here except to give you an example from that well-known passage in Ezekiel chapter 37.

It starts with the dramatic vision of the valley full of dry bones. You may remember that Negro-spiritual song about the bones all-clicking together again after lying so long in that old battlefield. Ezekiel asks God, 'What do you mean by this?'

The Lord replies, 'Behold, I will take the descendants of Israel from among the nations where they've gone, and will gather them from all sides, and bring them back to their own land.'