Jeff Short chats to Iona Rossely about her new book Racing On Empty

Jeff: I read your book yesterday in two sittings and I'm
absolutely shattered. I've come down every mountain with you, I've
ridden every endurance race, I've stood by the side of Formula 1 and
then I've gone through the battles of faith. Is that a fair summary of
your life so far?
Iona: I would say so, yes. A
roller coaster.
Jeff: That's an overused phrase in
some ways because it doesn't do any justice when I pick up a book like
yours. What's prompted you to write the book?
Iona: About 4 or 5 years ago I had so many people coming up to me
and asking me would I write a book and I'm not the kind of person that
can actually sit down very long and do things like that. So I was
struggling with the concept of putting a book together. Every time I
gave my testimony at a conference - I do quite a bit of Christian
motivational speaking - people would come up and say would I write a
book. That's the way it started. A very good friend of mine said it's
very easy to start writing a book. You just allocate half an hour
every day and you start from there. It was on his advice that I did
half and hour at the same time every day and after two and a half
years I had the book and then I had a lot of help publishing it.
Jeff: You sort of had a religious upbringing but you
were just a tad rebellious. I've seen films that were less enthralling
than this. You get yourself into professional speed skiing, you teach
here and there and then you have the most horrendous crash. Would you
like to tell us a little bit about that?
Iona: I
got into speed skiing totally from a prank, actually, with a group of
ski instructors who wanted to try speed skiing and I didn't because I
thought going down in a straight line was pretty meaningless. But when
I tried it I was totally hooked. I loved the speed, the adrenaline and
it became an absolute obsession. I was quite fearful but when you go
to the other side of that it is an amazing feeling. You keep pushing
yourself and pushing yourself. I'd already been British champion and
New Zealand champion. The accident that I had, it was a fairly small
race, 200 competitors. I'd done my first run and it went well. On the
second run they move you up into a very small gully so it's a bit like
jumping out of a block of flats; it's an amazing feeling. You don't
actually touch the surface, you hydrofoil so it's probably nearer
flying than anything else. On this occasion I'd also lost my voice,
which was a bit strange and on the second run I remember starting off
and within a couple of seconds - and you can build up a lot of speed
in a couple of seconds - I was skiing on one ski. We don't know what
happened, it looked like it was an equipment failure. And I did the
wrong thing. You are supposed to just fall and go with the flow which
is quite difficult when you're skiing at a hundred miles an hour to
just fall and go with the flow. I put my right heel down, because it
was my right ski that came off, and as I put my right heel down the
leg shattered from the heel all the way up. It shattered from below
the knee, above the knee and I fell for a kilometre. I went through
the speed trap at 160 kilometres an hour. I still think I'm probably
the fastest lady on my bottom. I'm not sure that's a title anyone
wants to take. On the way down it all goes in slow motion so you don't
really understand what's going on.
Jeff: We're
talking now about surgery to save your leg and save your life. And
although the outcome is recovery you're given the diagnosis you're
never going to compete at anything again, sports wise. Is that
Iona: Yes, it's just too dangerous.
Jeff: It's a brave person, I figure, who says to Iona
you can't.
Iona: Yes, my Dad struggled with that
Jeff: I can say it safely because you're
thousands of miles away. You then get into the world of horses. You've
always had a love of horses.
Iona: Yes, I think I
was first sat on a pony when I was two. And that was it. Like every
little girl you want a pony but I really did want a pony and my Dad
really wasn't going to buy me one. I used to beg and borrow everyone
else's pony. Horses have always been part of who I am.
Jeff: You had this deal with your Dad that if you passed all
your exams he'd buy you a horse and you got 7 out of 8 and some years
later you go back cos you've seen a horse you fancy and you remind him
of the deal and he laughs. I find this wonderful. Some people would
say isn't it wonderful; I've come through this surgery and now I can
ride a horse. But that's not enough for Iona, is it?
Iona: No. It took me about a year and a half to be able to
walk properly again and I limped quite badly. While I was on crutches
I was horse riding, which didn't help my leg on the recovery. I would
hop to the stables, get on the horse and then get back on my crutches.
I was always wanting to be active, I wanted to ride horses and I don't
take no, really.
Jeff: There's this incredible
competitor within you that if I fast-forward subsequently you're a
competitor for the Irish equestrian scene.
Iona: Yes, and that was endurance racing, long distance horse racing
which is amazing. You're doing 160 kilometres per race. It was
brilliant; I loved it. And I loved the bond between the horse and
yourself. That was very special.
Jeff: In this
time you go to Dubai, Devon, Australia. There are all these things and
you go into PR with Rothmans Williams Renault, encounters with Damon
Hill which includes the time when you were speed skiing on top of his
car driving through London.
Iona: That was great.
I didn't think I'd ever see him again and I did and I was quite
embarrassed. I was hoping he wouldn't recognise me.
Jeff: Along the way there seems to be an underlying
searching for something else. You try crystals; you try a lot of New
Age stuff, which doesn't fill the void.
Iona: My
identity was in my sport. I found that very early on when I was in
convent school. I realised when you're doing well and you've won a
race the next morning I'd wake up and I wouldn't feel any different.
And if you've spent a year to two years preparing for that race and
the next morning you've done well and you've won and you think I
should feel different, I shouldn't feel the way I feel. So for me
success was beyond fleeting. Maybe for five minutes you think Wow,
wow, wow. Then in a way you seem to get a bigger hole in your heart. I
think it's because you've spent every second of your day trying to
fill it. I really struggled knowing that there must be more than what
I was doing. I had the money; I was sponsored by Smirnov, Alfa Romeo.
Even with the horses we had the money, the lifestyle. But it was like
there was a big part of me missing. It was like a puzzle with the
centre bit not quite there. I believed there was a divine presence but
I didn't know how to connect. I tried everything else bar the right
Jeff: Every now and then you are put into
contact with Christians. It's almost like Jesus is stalking you, you
can see him pop up here and there in the book. There seems to be a
point where, I guess, you make the transition from being a religious
spectator to being a competitor and there comes a point when you have
to look and say that you're going to give this over to Jesus, you're
not going to keep doing it all in your own strength. You have a dream
where you come last in a race and that seems to be
Iona: It was a very real dream and I
know it was a God dream. I was in a race and I was running and
everyone was overtaking me. My legs were getting heavier, I was
getting really frustrated. I could see the finish line, I could see
everyone crossing in front of me and I knew when I crossed the line
that I'd come last. I saw this little guy and he was so joyful and so
happy and he had a wreath in his hands and he was jumping up and down
and smiling and shouting you won, you won! And I just said listen
mate, I think you've been watching the wrong race. I've come in last.
He ignored me and put this round my neck and said you won. And I woke
up. Then I woke up my husband, who's also called Jeff, and he said not
another dream. And I said but this is real. I was in a race and this
man said I won. He said go back to sleep. The next morning I was
praying into asking for clarification on the dream and he said we are
all individually in our own race and we must not look at the other
competitors or focus on them at all. What they do is their journey.
And God was saying I must keep my eyes focused just on him, solely on
him and then I will win the race. Sometimes he will put me in a lay-by
to mould me, chip me, make me into the person I need to be to carry on
in the race. But I mustn't be focused on other people and what they're
doing, and their journey and their ministry. That was so powerful and
it really helped me to understand that we are all unique.
Jeff: I think there are a couple of golden threads running
through the book. There is excitement but there is also a lot of pain
like when you have to leave a place you're settled where you have some
animal friends and when you lose members of the family altogether. One
would be quite often in the book people would say to you God has a
plan. Do you believe that?
Iona: Yes, totally. Is
it Jeremiah 29.11? For I know the plans I have for you. I live and
breathe that. Every single part of my journey when I started writing
the book how many times God had stepped in and helped me and I hadn't
seen it. And how many times I had walked away from him. It's like a
dot-to-dot painting. We're on a dot and we want to go to the next dot
and he says no, that's not the dot I had planned for you. So he has a
plan for every single one of us.
Jeff: At the end
of the book you're a lay minister having done your training in the
Anglican Church. It didn't seem an easy fit but part of God's plan was
taking you there and into that leadership and then pushing against
barriers in fellowships which said they wouldn't have women in
leadership. I did have a sense of that old song If They Could See Me
Now, what would they think of this rebellious little girl. When you do
step out and you're sharing in a school and the battle that you have
faced, which you would say is a spiritual battle, that we have an
enemy that you are now competing against who doesn't want you to
Iona: That was really scary for me. That
was about 7 years ago. I was really astounded that the devil stepped
in and targeted my animals. We don't have children; we have our dogs,
our cats and our horses. When I started giving my testimony week after
week every time I came back to the farm one of my animals was either
dying or there was a horse seriously injured. It went on and on and I
suddenly realised we are not up against flesh and blood we're fighting
against an invisible force which is very, very real. I learnt a lot
from that.